You Called Me

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You called me
And told me that you could help
You could fix my life
And make me shine like the stars
Infinite and beautiful
Never fading
And always there

You called me
And told me that everything would be okay
Don't worry about tomorrow
Or next week
Worry about now
And that you would take care of the rest

You called me
And told me that I'm okay
I'm fine
I'm beautiful
I'm magical
I'm everything to you and more
And that I'm your reason to live

You called me
And told me that I'm breaking down
I'm falling apart
I'm dying
But that it's okay
It's fine
Because I look beautiful

You called me
And told me that even though I'm dying
I still look beautiful
I look magical
I look stunning
And that even though I'm dying
At least I'm skinny

You called me
And told me goodbye
Because I had died
I had died at your hands
But at least I had died


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