The Proposal ♥

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Hey, sorry for the late posting. I have a book that needs to be completed for the Watty Awards 2012. :]

feel free to read it. What It Feels Like Being Payton Rae's Little Sister..


Carlos POV (I just need to get this proposal out of my head lol than we'll go to taylor swift concert) 

So, here we go. Fixing to go onto stage with my future wife, hopefullly. I turned torwards her body, and she did the same. I kissed her softly and whispered "I love you Skye."

"I love you to, Carlos." She said smiling, having no clue whats in my pocket. I laughed mentally. Knowing her, she is guessing randomly inside her head.

When we walked on stage to a million screaming fans, I grabbed my solid black, permnant silver marking on it that said "Carlos, we love you." Yes, this microphone was made by one of my amazing fans.

"Just a second," I said to Skye, letting go of her hand.

"Hurry." She said


I walked over to the cameramans, reporters, and all that.

"Hey guys, would you mind if you point all of your cameras at me and Skylar? I'm proposing to her." I said, whispering so Skylar wouldn't hear.

One dude said "Yeah, sure. I will pass it on!"

I smiled and said thanks before heading back to Skylar.

"What did you tell them?" She asked


"Um, the cameras are freaking me out a little."

"You'll see."


"You'll see, babe."

"Fine. When?"


I laughed at our little conversation, while the audience were curiously looking at us.

"Hey, um, Skylar is verrrrry nosey. In a good way though." I said laughing along with the crowd, while Skylar blushed. 

"Before we do a concert, I wanna pump us up a little!" I said.

I put the microphone in its stand, and kneeled down on one knee and pulled out her engagement ring she had always wanted, while Skye covered her mouth, tearing up.

"Skylar Rae May, I know we may have our ups and downs in the future, but you should know that  will never leave you. I have alwas loved you since back in Minnesota... You are so amazing, beautiful, silly, sweet, loving, caring, and so much more. Your kisses still makes sparks inside of me. Skylar Rae May, will you change your last name to mine?" I asked smiling while her eyes twinkled, which means she was happy.

"Carlos..............." She said smiling

"Yes!" She finally said. I slid the ring on her finger, happily.

I stood up quickly, and gave her a passionate kiss, and than a tight bear hug.

"I love you, Carlos." She said 

"I love you to, Skye." I said, completely forgetting about the crowd until they awed.

We both blushed when they awed.

Oh how I loved my life, but what would our parents say? I couldn't ask them because they were in Minnesota. I wanted to talk in person with them about it..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2011 ⏰

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