Chapter 2

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Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Char-"God! I can't take this any longer. How much longer Aiden?"

Aiden-"Thirty more seconds"

Char-"That long?!?!?"

We were waiting to see if I was was pregnant or not. 

Aiden-"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You ready to hear?"

Char-"Aiden don't make me wait any longer please."

Aiden-Laughing saying "Ok sorry. You are pregnant."

Char-"Why me? My parents, our parents are going to KILL us!"

Aiden-"Hon, you don't know that. We will work something out no matter what."

Char-"I don't want to be pregnant, but I don't even want to consider abortion and I'm not into the idea of adoption. Can we keep it?"

Aiden-"Honey, I said we can do whatever you want, I will support you, love you, and help you with the baby."

Char-"I love you Aiden"

Aiden-"I love you too my gorgeous Charlotte"

Char-"HA I sure don't look gorgeous today!"

Aiden-"You look gorgeous to me everyday. With or without make up. Dressed or undressed. Formally dressed or casually dressed."


Char-"Ugh, I'm not ready for this Aiden."

Aiden-"Neither am I Char"

Char-"Can't we wait to tell them?"

Aiden-"I wish, but we've already told our parents that we have to talk to them, so we can't just blow them off because they'll know something's up."

Char-"Man, your right."

Great my parents just walked into our living room. I'm sure Aiden's parents will be following soon. I'm right. They walk in right after my parents do. I start out the conversation.

Char-"Ok, so Aiden and I have something to say. We hope you will be understanding and supportive."

Aiden-"Charlotte is pregnant."

My parents were furious! Cuss words were flying and there was lots of yelling. Aiden's parents were shocked, but they were WAY more supportive then my parents. After Aiden and his parents left, my parents flipped out again. They were yelling at me how I'm so blessed to have an amazing house, great life, parents who love me, but I am throwing it all away by deciding to have this baby and keep it.

I thought they would be a little bit more supportive but not furious. They said that if I have the baby and keep it, that I will have to find somewhere else to live. I just walked out on them yelling because I didn't feel like hearing it. I don't care what they think. I went up to my room and locked myself in there. 

I know I'm super blessed. I have a huge room with a huge closet and a huge bathroom. I have an iPhone, lots of designer items, but I would give that all up just to keep this baby. In fact I would have to give up most of that stuff. But it's just stuff. 

I decided to call my closest friend, Cora. She would know what I should do. She always does.

Char-"Hey Cora. I've got something to tell you."

Cora-"Hey Char! What's up?"

Char-"I'm pregnant."

Cora-"YOUR WHAT?!?!?!?"

Char-"I'm pregnant."

Cora-"How'd that happen? I thought you always use protection?"

Char-"Well we do, but this one time we sort of forgot, and well ya, now I'm pregnant."

Cora-"How'd your rents react?"

Char-"Not very well considering I want to have the baby and keep it."

Cora-"Really? I think you will make a great mother!"

Char-"Thanks but that won't solve any of my problems because I have to find somewhere else to live."

Cora-"Ugh your parents can be harsh sometimes..."

Char-"I know. Well I'm gonna call Aiden and see if we can work something out because he doesn't know about me not being able to live at home anymore."

Cora-"Alright sweety. Love you lots! Don't listen to your parents."

Char-"Bye, and love you too!"

Well atleast my best friend isn't going to leave me. Now it's time to call Aiden.


Aiden-"Hey, don't tell me your parents blew up on you after we left."

Char-"Don't worry, they did blow up again."

Aiden-"Oh my god really?"

Char-"Ya. They said that if we decide to keep the baby and raise it ourselves I have to move out."

Aiden-"Well then we will do that!"

Char-"But I don't have anywhere to go!"

Aiden-"Hon can you wait a sec? I've got another call coming in."



Aiden-"Kay hon I'm back"

Char-"You didn't really have another call coming in, did you?"

Aiden-"Your right. I didn't."

Char-"Why'd you go then?"

Aiden-"I asked my parents if you could live here and they said you could! Can I pick you up in 15?"

Char-"Sure! But you will have to help me pack when you get here because it will take me longer  than 15 minutes."

Aiden-"Ok, sounds good. Love you lots and see you soon!"

Char-"Bye, I love you too. Thank you for everything!"

I'm 16 and I'm pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now