Dress Shopping

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“Hey Sam, how does this one look?” Maria asked me, as she twirled in the 3-way mirror. Again, she got my name wrong, for like the hundredth time, but it was no point in correcting her.

“It looks great, just like all of them.” I said not even taking my eyes off the magazine I was reading. We were currently in a bridal shop trying on dresses. How did I get here you ask? Well, after Nick guilted me into agreeing to whatever he wanted me to do, he thought it would be awesome if I finished shopping with his fiancé, in order to ‘bond’ before the wedding. Why do we need to bond you ask? Well, you are currently looking at the ‘maid of honor’. Seeing as though Maria is not exactly the friendly type, she does not have many friends. Nick thought it would be an awesome idea if I just filled the spot.

“Doesn’t she have any relatives? Siblings? Long lost cousin or something like that?” I had asked bewildered. Nick just shrugged.

“I honestly don’t know. All she says is she isn’t close enough with her family to ask.”

“Are they at least showing up to the wedding?” I nearly screeched.

“Of course silly.” He smiled at me. “They’re just not IN the wedding.” He said nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. Even after this only being our second time meeting since high school, it sure did seem like we were close. I didn’t mind though. I rather skip all the awkward steps of getting to know someone, although I already knew him. Anyway, you get the picture.

“So, like I was saying.” He started up again. “I’ll look after Papi here, while you go with Maria.” After a minute of me not saying anything, he said, “I’ll be back in a hour.” I jumped up and smiled.

“Deal.” After all an hour with Maria could not be that bad. Boy was I wrong.

“Sam!” Maria yelled breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up to see her glaring at me with hands on hips. “You’re not even paying attention to me.” she whined. Ugh, she is so childish. Nick really wanted to marry someone like that?

“Maria,” I dragged her name out as if I were talking to a child, which she is. “I was paying attention. Yo-“

“Ladies,” Nick walked in with Papi tucked in his jacket. “Did you guys miss me?”

“Nick!” Maria screamed. “Get out of here. You’re not supposed to see the bride in her gown!” she ran back into the dressing room. I laughed as I shook my head at her ignorance.

“Maria, that’s the day before wedding.” I yelled so she could hear. Turning my attention back to Nick, “How was you guys time together?” I smiled as Papi stuck his head out to look at me.

“Amazing. You know your dog is pretty awesome.” He laughed.

“More like pretty ugly.” Maria came in out of nowhere. “Let’s go, I didn’t find anything I wanted.” She walked past us and out the door. I looked at Nick and he shrugged before we both followed her out. Once outside, Nick put Papi on the ground and he ran towards me, jumping on my legs.

“You missed mommy didn’t you sweet pea.” I cooed at him. He barked his squeaky bark, letting me know he wanted to be held.

“That dog is stupid.” Maria insulted my dog, once again.

“You’re stupid.” I shot back, fed up with her arrogant attitude.

“Did you just call me stupid?” she scoffed, placing her hand on her chest.

“Yes I did. You called my dog stupid, and since he cannot speak for himself, I will. So in that case, you asked for it.” I looked at her dumbly. Glancing at Nick holding his laughter back, I smiled.

“You think that’s funny?” she asked stepping closer to me. Nick quickly grabbed her shoulder, pulling her into his side. A flare of jealously went through my body at the sight of them being so close, touching.

“Okay, that’s enough of the cattiness girls.” Nick stated before I could come back with a retort. “Now apologize to each other.” He demanded, fatherly. I looked at him wide-eyed.

“Why? She started it.” Maria whined. Rolling my eyes, I bit my tongue so I didn’t say anything rude. Taking a deep breath, I apologized, but only for Nick. His view on me meant more than a couple words that I didn’t mean in the first place.

“You’re forgiven. But don’t do it again.” Maria smiled. I waited for my apology but it never came. After a moment of silence, she looked up at Nick, who still had his arm around her. “Ready to go, babe? Remember I got my nail appointment at 4.” He nodded before looking over at me.

“You want to join us?” Maria gave me a look that said ‘If you come, you’ll regret it.’ “No, I’m going to just go back to the apartment and watch some toons, maybe work on a few things.” I replied. “Besides, it’s time for the little guy to take a nap.” Smiling, Nick let go of Maria and gave me a warm hug, making my knees wobbly.

“Call me Cam, or else.” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, as I nodded stupidly. Pulling back, he grabbed Maria’s hand and turned to leave.

“See you later love!” he called over his shoulder. I watched them walk down the street until I could no longer see their figures. Hearing Papi whimper brought me out of my zone. “Sorry baby.” I smiled down at him before making my way back home, thinking of Nick the entire time.

“See you later love!” LOVE?!!

Why would he call me love? Did that mean he loved me and not Maria? Maybe I’m thinking too much.


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