He's Back

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Chapter 1

First day back at school, ugh why do I have to go back. Its my last year at Riverdale High School, I could of left last year but I or should I say my parents decided it would be best to complete sixth year. I mean why I've already got good enough qualifications to get into a decent collage. But no they want me to go to university and be successful. They want me to be a doctor or lawyer, which would be respectable jobs in their eyes. Oh well. I guess I better start getting ready.

"Cayla! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" Mum shouts up at me.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I shout back to her.

I look into the mirror one finale time before I go downstairs. My wavy blonde hair stops just past my shoulders. My dark eyes stand out as i have black eyeliner on. My face seems paler than normal. I really dislike this uniform, I mean having a bright blue tie and you have to wear a blazer, but no one really wears them. I have my black pencil skirt on and my black boots.

Slowly I make my way downstairs dreading going to school. See the thing is its not that I dislike school I just really hate the people in it. I have only one true friend, and that's Alice.

"Bye mum I'll see you later" I quickly leave the house and text Alice.

Me: Hey Alice I'm just leaving now I'll be there in about 30 minutes x

Alice: Okay I'll be waiting at our normal spot see you then x

I put my earphones in and walk to school. I put on All Time Lows album future hearts on. They are one of my favorite bands right now. I have many which some people just don't understand. I mean my own parents hate the fact I listen to them. They think that it's a distraction to my learning when it isn't.

Once I get into school I turn my music off but keep my earphones on, this reduces the chances of people trying to talk to me. It's not that I'm anti-social, I just don't want to bothered this early in the morning. I walk to my locker and put the folders I don't need for the first two periods in my locker. I had to pay £5 for this small locker, I mean that's a joke other places every student gets one. Well that is the way this school works.

"Oh my gosh, Hey Cayla how have you been? I've not seen you in ages." oh god here we go. Its Tori. Her long curly brown hair looks like it was done professionally, her hazel eyes showing she innocent, but that smirk on her face says otherwise.

"Hi Tori, good to see you again." I put on my fake smile she seems to accept as real.

"I know isn't it weird to think this is our last year in this school, oh how I'll miss this place."

"eh yeah I'll some what miss it" I smile lightly at her hoping it will get her to go away.

"Anyway I wanted to ask are you still going to be participating in our basketball game end of the week?"

"um ... well I don't think so, I don't think I'm going to do it this year." It's not that I didn't want to do it but my parents say I shouldn't. Since I've been doing it since the start of high school, they feel it would help if I don't do it. Gives me more time to revise, like I'll be doing more. I don't want let them down, but sometimes they are really expecting more than what i can do.

"Oh come on Cayla you know that you are the best on team, you might even get noticed from some of the guys" Tori winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"I don't know but I'll think about it okay"

"Oh my god thank you Cayla, I don't know what team would do without you. Oh and did you hear that there's a new guy starting here today and apparently he is like so hot, and dreamy." Her eyes brightened with excitement as she said this.

"That's great, well I'll see you around, go to go" With that I make my way up to the lockers upstairs. I look around to see if I can see Alice.

"Cayla!" Alice screams energetically and runs giving me a hug. She had bright blue hair which was a change from her light brown hair she had before. It made her bright blue eyes stand our for sure.

"So what's with the blue hair then?"

"Oh you know me, I wanted to change it so I did." Simple answer from her.

"Anyway did you hear everyone talking about this new guy" I roll my eyes.

"Not you too I thought you would at least be one of the sane ones" Alice just laughs at me.

"You are far to dramatic Cayla"

"That's why I take drama" I flick my hair to the side adding dramatic effect, which failed, leaving me and Alice laughing.

"Come on lets get to our first class" We make our way to history.

History was one of the two classes I had with Alice, the others I had no one. I mean I had people to talk to but, not like an actual friend. As we take our seats for class to begin Mr Smith our head teacher comes in with a boy. He was quite tall, his hair was dark brown, his eyes were a dark chocolate brown color that drew attention to them straight away. he was good looking like the others has said. Something about him seemed so familiar, like I know him from somewhere. The teacher was saying something but I didn't hear what they were saying, I was too busy trying to figure out where I'd seen him. I felt my side get hit snapping me from my thoughts.

"Cayla are you even listening?" Alice asked me.

"yeah yeah I am of course I am" I reply.

"Miss can you please tell Cayla to stop talking it's distracting me from listening to you!" That voice came from the one and only Stella Patrick. She was always trying to get me in trouble always. She sets me up all the time, but none of the teachers will believe me since Stella is the golden student.

Miss looks over me and says "If Miss Parker being beside you is going to be a problem I might as well move you know." I roll my eyes here we go again.

"Miss Drake move over there now!" She points to where the new boy is sitting. Great I'll be stuck next to him.

I try getting on with the lesson but I can feel someone staring at me.

"Do you have a problem" I hiss at him.

"Well Cayla that wasn't a very pleasant greeting from you how about we try that again." wait how did he know my name?

I look at him and he looks me right in the eyes and say "Do you not remember me Cayla. Its me Nathan. I'm back Cayla."

I can't believe this. Why is he back and he remembers me. I wonder if he remembers how he broke my heart.

I Hate you, but I love youWhere stories live. Discover now