I Came Back For You

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Chapter 2

"What are you even doing back here Nathan" I say rudely trying to finish my work.

"Isn't it obvious I came back for you" Nathan winked at me, he had a smirk on his face.

"As if I would want you!" I roll my eyes at him, and finish my work not saying another word to him. I honestly can't believe him, he leaves me heartbroken wondering what I've done wrong, then decides to just come back and think he is back for me well he's wrong.

History was finally over and I couldn't be more grateful than to get out of this classroom. I've got maths next which is one of the classes I'd rather not go to. It's not that I'm not good at maths its just I can't be bothered. Okay So I have to take National 5 maths again cause I failed it last year. By that I got no award, but doesn't matter since I got National 4. I blame the teacher, he couldn't teach right, I don't know how he still even has a job at this school. Oh well.

I take my seat next to Stef, and let the teacher drown on about equations or that. I take my phone out and put my earphones in, and start playing Sleeping With Sirens album 'Madness'. I turn the volume low so no one can hear it but me. I know the teacher doesn't care if I do this as long as I'm quiet and get my work done. With my music on the class seems to go by a lot quicker.

Finally break, and I get to see Alice again, someone sane I can talk to.

"So what was up with you and Mr Hot earlier in History," I roll my eyes at this. Of course she wasn't going to let this go without even questioning it.

"Nothing was happening with him and nothing will happen with him ever!"

"Why are you so grumpy towards him, he's hot and plus he seemed to of taken an interest in you. I mean what more could a woman want."

"Is that all you think about is guys and how hot they are? Really Alice I expected better from you"

"Yup all I think about cause I'm just like Stella" I laugh at that. Stella was a slut as the most nicest way to talk about her. Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Stella walked past us with her little minions following her. God she acts like she owns this school. What doesn't shock me is that she walks right over to where Nathan is sitting. She then goes and sits on Nathans lap with her hands all over him, and he doesn't protest. Not surprising no one ever tells her no. Hmm so much for coming back for me. Oh well not like I care.

Time for my next class which happens to be drama, something that I'm good at or at least that's what I'm told. Anyway I make my way to drama and wait outside the classroom with the others. When we get into the classroom Mrs Bee tells us to stay standing, as she is going to tell us which seat we are in. I don't get why she is like this. The chairs are besides each other in a circle shape. She starts to say who is where, she says my name and I sit beside a guy called Cameron. Guess he'll be my partner for most things then. Or Not. I look over and none other than Nathan Joel is in the seat next to me. Why was he in this class?

"Right class, I'm going to give each of you's a script and with the person next to you I want you to learn the lines and act it out. You will have all of this week and then you Will perform it on Monday" Oh no please don't make me be pared with Nathan.

I watch as she goes round the circle handing scripts to each of the different groups. With my luck goes I am stuck with Nathan. I look over the script she has given us, it seems fairly easy to get into that character. Its about a girl and a guy in their early 20's, they are having an argument, the girl is accusing the guy of cheating. Big argument and the scene ends with a kiss. I think this was actually wrote by someone in the drama class last year. The scripts were part of class act and published into a small book. The script itself was actually really good.

"Oh would you look at that we get to kiss at the end of it how cute" Shit I don't want to kiss him. Well we could always make it look like we are.

"Lets just read the script aloud first"

"Do we have to I mean this lesson is nearly over why don't we just talk or practice that kiss" He said leaning into me. I push him back, away from me.

"No that isn't going to happen, either of them. Just because you don't want to do the work doesn't mean I don't want to. I actually want to do well with this class"

"You want to this done well how about we practice this after school then at my place." He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry I can't tonight I'm busy, but I do want you to know almost all your lines by tomorrow that way we can be off script, and act this out properly."

"Since when did little Cayla want to do well in school and enjoy acting. I thought she hated everything to do with it"

"You don't know me Nathan, a lot has changed since you last saw me." He looks me dead in the eye, his lips part as if he was going to say something. But the lesson was over, I quickly grab my things and leave the classroom. Hoping I don't see him again for the rest of the day.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur, and I'm finally walking home. With my music on everything seems perfect. I'm not worrying one bit about anything, I love that music can do that to me. I get home to my mother and father questioning me about school, the classes I have and all that. They talk some more to me before telling me to go do any homework I have. Yeah right. I'm not going to be doing that I'll just listen to my music and learn my lines.

For some reason I was thinking about Nathan. Like why did he come back? And when did he come back?Did he even mean it when he said he came back for me? What was he going to say to me but couldn't? What does he really want from me? I guess I can find out tomorrow. I don't want to be thinking about him. I put on Bring Me The Horizon 'That's the spirit' that always makes me forget everything as I sing along to the song.

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