chapter 7 ~not who i really am~

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i stayed in my romm for 2 days i did not wanna come out, i feel so dirty, he just left me the day after we....uggg. i got out if my bed and went to the bathroom i looked in the merrior my hair was messed upand my face was stained red, from tears. i get dressed a dark blue pants ablue shirt and a black hoodie. i sit in a cold bathroom floor, i was depressed, i hated myself for ever telling ryan i liked him. i sigh and grave the razer from the counter, i lifted up my sleeves and cut my skin, deep. i started to bleed but i kept cutting, it made my feel better, better then i was before.

i walked outside, and began to walk i dident know were i was going but i countiuned to walk. i walked to chaz ineeded his help, i knocked on the door he came out with his happy smile "ya beeb whats wrong?" he asked

"cani talk to you?" i saked quietly

"yah sure come on in" i walked in and sat on the couch his parrents are never home they always work

"so what is it?" chaz asked he was sitting really close to me

"chaz, i-i-am gay, me and ryan we together for like 2 days, we had sex and he left me- just left" i felt tears in the back of my eye

"your gay?" he asked

"yah, chaz" i look up at him he had the preatest eyes, he smiled at me

"what?" i ask starting to smile, he shook his head, wow he looked hot today-wait what am i thinking

"really chaz" i ask ,ore searius

"you know you look hot today right?" he asked wait what?

"what?" i ask with a smile

"you look hot today" i felt my face get warm-no justin-no dont do this again he put his hand on my face

"i like you justin" i smile stop it justin! i scream in my head

"do u like me?" he asked i look down

"i dont know chaz-" he smiled

"well lets find that out" i was going to ask what he met but before i could he genatly put his lips on mine. i kissed back what was i doing? stop! i yell in my head but i dident stophe put his arms around my wait, he did not kiss like ryan, ryan kissed agressivly while chaz, was gental. i smiled at the thought. he let go looking at me i smile

"i like you to chaz" he smiles and hugs me it was ok at the moment intill i heard the dor slam..i had a feeling i knew who it was




~kayla t

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