Being black in AmeriKKKa

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One nation under AmeriKKKa

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One nation under AmeriKKKa

All lives matter except for black ones.

All lives matter is an excuse for racist to rear their ugly heads around the corner. For whatever reason being #ProBlack means we hate every other race and that were obliviously above everyone in the world.

Most black people who don't believe any of that jazz. We have everyone's back yet we get the most shit from every race period. We are a joke in every other culture even our own!


No one wants a black women. Apparently we are loud and angry. we're crazy and sluts/whores and every other insult under the sun

But why

We do nothing but love out black men and nurture them. We take care of you when you're down and we support you no matter what?

I get so confused when I see all this anti black women hate especially amongst our own men 🙁

Anyways like I was saying being pro black doesn't mean we hate every one. Yes all lives matter, yes all lives are very important but guess what black lives matter too and people always seem to forget that.

All lives don't have to worry about the revival of the KKK, black lives do though

All lives aren't being pulled over for absolutely nothing, black lives are though

All lives crime is just called crime, black lives crime is BLACK ON BLACK crime though

All lives don't have the highest prison statistics in the world, black lives do though

All lives aren't shunned, dehumanized, like black lives are though.

All lives won't die on the dashboard in the summer's head in their car, black lives will though

I can say with 200% complete confidence. No one in world has it worse than black lives. I will argue you down to the ground on this point. You cannot prove to me that black people don't have it the hardest.

And whenever we try to do something positive it was ripped from us. Our culture: Bantu knots, twist outs, flat irons, hot combs, every hair style under the sun. The blackout

Our skin color even gets stolen from us.

Why is it so hard to let black people be great?

Everyone wants to be black, but no one wants to BE black

#A L L L I V E S M A T T E R just not black ones

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