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Ian slowly leaned in towards my face, and I did the same, knowing perfectly well what was going on. Our lips connected, and he kissed me softly. My breath hitched, and I took a moment before I kissed him back.

And lord, did it feel good to kiss him. His lips were warm, and slightly chapped, but it didn't really matter to me. I had been trying all day to convince myself I wasn't falling for this kid, but now that I had my lips against his, I couldn't deny the feelings I was starting to develop.

I pulled away for breath, looking at Ian's blushing face. "I wasn't expecting you to kiss back." He admitted, smiling.

"I wasn't expecting you to even kiss me in the first place." I laughed quietly. The more I let myself think that way, the more stunning Ian looked.

"I swear to god, I was trying to hard to deny that I had caught feelings for you..." I sighed, closing my eyes for a little bit. "Why do I fucking feel so strongly towards you? I only really met you today."

Ian kept a straight face, just staring at me. "If I'm completely honest with you, Joji... I've had a crush on you since the beginning of the school year, which is why I've been acting... kind of awkward around you."

I laid there, staring at him and his beauty. I was about to say something else, something really personal, but I heard the front door slam open. "Fuck." I mumbled, realizing it was my mom.

Ian suddenly looked worried. "She-she's not going to mind me being here, is she?" He asked nervously. I laughed.

"Don't worry about it. I have friends over all the time, if anything she'll be glad I'm with somebody different. C'mon, you can meet her." I pulled him off the bed and opened my bedroom door, walking out with him right behind me.

"Hey mom." I said, going over and hugging her. "You're fucking cold, what time did you get off work?" I asked her, pulling away.

"Nine, but the roads are horrible right now." Ian stood next to me, a little bit closer than necessary. "Who's this? I haven't met him yet." She asked me, motioning to Ian.

"Oh, this is my friend Ian. He's sleeping over. I was hanging out with him after school and the snow got pretty bad." She nodded, not really questioning anything.

"It's nice to meet you." Ian said, shaking her hand. I tried not to laugh at how polite he was acting.

"Why thanks, you too Ian." She smiled, walking away to go to bed. "Don't stay up too late boys. You've got school tomorrow." I groaned, not wanting to deal with any of that crap.

"C'mon." I said to Ian, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up to my room. He giggled quietly behind me as I shut my bedroom door, flopping on my bed.

"Y'know, she's gonna fucking love you now that you've made a polite first impression." I laughed. "You've already made one 10 times better than anybody else I've had her meet."

Ian smiled, laying down next to me. "Joji... I have a question to ask you." I turned my head so I was facing him.

"When your mom walked in, it looked like you were going to say something..." Ian started, now with a serious face.

I sighed, looking up at my ceiling. "It's nothing. I'll tell you another day."

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