Chapter 1

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Narutos P.O.V

So here I am, standing a couple feet away from the Konoha gate. Jesus Christ, I never thought id live to see the day in which IM actually moving back here. What can I say? I was bullied a lot back then.

"Naruto..." Kyuubi, my older brother, said, "stay here I'm going to go show them our ID's and birth Certificates. I'll call you over right now, once they ask to see your face." I simply nod my head.

My brother and and I haven't been here for a good six years now, we left once our parents died in a brutal car accident. I was 10 when we left konoha, and Kyuubi was 14. Kyuubi, even before our parents died, was a very loving and protective older brother, and still is up to this very day. He was the one who would always save me from getting beaten to a bloody pulp.

But, through out the years... Kyuu has become quite the heart throb. Men and woman practically throw themselves at him. I know, how pathetic. Even now, as we speak, the two guards are all but drooling at my brother.

Kyuubi then turns in my direction and motions for me to come over.
"This is my brother, Naruto he's 16." He introduces me.
The two men then tear their eyes away from kyuubi to take a look at me. They both blush and seem too struggle for words. "H-here" one of them says, giving us back our documents. "Your free t-to g-go."

I give them my famous 'Naruto smile' and push my hair out of my face before saying "thank you both, have a nice day."

Their blushes deepen and they nod their heads rapidly, both of them gaining nose bleeds in the process and running away.

Well damn... Am I that ugly?

Kyuubi's P.O.V

"D-did I say something?" My dense brother asks. I sigh aloud...
.... Ohh brother, your such a flirt without even knowing it. Eh, I guess it runs in the family.

"Nothing you didn't say anything wrong."

"Then why did they run away with nose bleeds?"

"Well, you basically just got them horny little bro, congrats!"


"Uuuh huh" I say to him. Naruto is the world's most densest idiot there is, one can flirtatiously say 'hey naruto, you wanna Netflix and chill?' And naruto would go 'yea sure let me get my computer'

As we walk through the streets of Konoha I reali-

I was interrupted by some asshole who obviously didn't see where they were going. "AYE WATCH IT!" I shout. As I get a better look at the person, I can feel my cheeks warming up and my heart beat escalating "I-Itachi?"

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