Lights, Camera, Action

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Meow. Hi, guys welcome to KittyKrafts and today I am going to... Wait. Hold the phone. This is not a movie nor a YouTube video of any of that matter. This is the first work of me so I should start off on a good note.

"Hello, I'm KittyKrafts. Welcome to this work. How are you today?"
*I shake your hand

Ok, enough of that. So by choosing this work you choose to read my randomly weird life. I hope you enjoy it. Also, I will write in this whenever I want and as much as I want.  Please take note that I am kind of a perfectionist, so I might go back to older parts in this book to make it better.  I also might do that because I want to make a part funnier.  So, don't be so surprised when you see some parts have changed.  Last of all enjoy! :)


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