A Peek in my Summer

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Here's what happened today, August 8, 2016. Later on when other people are going to be reading this years later they are going to be like, whoa, this was in 2016!

Okay this my challenge to myself, are you ready to hear it? This goes for the whole work and especially stories like this. I have to write without telling any personal info like, age, name, gender, country. So don't even think about commenting a question about one of those things or other personal info. But, I can say stuff like favorites, YouTubers, things like that. So, I can say I ate a food of my country, but I can't say the name of the food or the country. Got it? I will take that as a yes. Lets begin!

On a dark and stormy night... Just kidding. On a bright and sunny summer morning... I woke up at around 9 A.M. because I was so tired. I usually wake up at around 7 A.M. or at 8 A.M. the most, but I woke up at 9 A.M.. So, the first thing I did was check my texts and texted my friend a good morning.

Then, I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bite. I know this is a little unusual, but I got a couple a scoops of my favorite dessert of my country. I know people don't just wake up and then go get dessert, but that is what I do. B.T.W. I made the dessert with my mom a couple of days ago. In my defense there was almost nothing to eat. So, don't judge me.

After I finished eating the dessert for breakfast I started doing my summer reading. I just went to the library yesterday, Aug. 7th and got more books to read. The majority of the books were graphic novels. My favorite kind of book is graphic novel you might know. I read first Robot Dreams. I started and finished it in 20 minutes. Then, I started and finished another book, its title was, Fluffy Strikes Back. I read that one in 15 minutes. The third graphic novel I read was Baba Yaga's Assistant. I don't know how long I read that one for. The final book I had borrowed was Goosebumps Horror Land: Say Cheese- and Die Screaming. I didn't start reading that one though.

The next thing I did was check if there were any new posts on Chibird. I check frequently, almost daily if the're new posts. Then, I watched a YouTube video of my friend.

Then, it was already 12 'o clock, lunchtime. I looked around for something to eat. I opened my fridge and a giant octopus grabbed me with its tentacles! I try to fight it back. I grabbed frying pan on the stove, hitting away at the humongous arms and-- Sorry, I know my day was getting boring so I added some action. I was trying to kept you on your toes. B.T.W. if you would like I can make another work for it. Maybe a short story. Comment if you want The Refrigerator Attack to happen. Sorry I got little carried away.

Anyways, for lunch I cooked over-easy scrambled egg. The egg consisted of two large eggs, a sprinkle of salt, some Italian seasoning (I'm not Italian), and some garlic powder. While I was eating I watched Austin and Ally. Then, I folded some clothes. So that is all I am going to tell you for today. If you want to hear about more days with me please comment it.

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