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i love you.
i love you so much.
i love you more then i love looking at the stars on the beach. i love you more then i love fresh food. i love you more then a baby puppy in a cute sweater. i love you more then i love sleeping. i love you more then i love winter. i love you more then anything and i always will. you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.. you make me feel alive. i know that i may get jealous along the way from the girls who call you babe and constantly flirt with you, but as long as i know i have you i won't hurt them that much. your my baby daddy, and I want it to be that way forever. we may have some hiccups along the way but we will get through them. i never want to lose you, i know it's our biggest fear, losing each other, but i promise you that I will never leave your side. no matter what.

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