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the things from my notebook.

"it's hurting so bad, the fact I can no longer talk to the one I love so dearly because of one stupid mistake. i just need her, i need her more then these words can explain, more then anything in this whole world."

"it's another night empty handed, i feel as though I've lost her forever, but I'm not giving up. I will speak to her again and I won't stop trying until I will. I want to be in her arms, to see her gorgeous face again, to feel her breath breeze past my face as she chuckles, to look into those eyes I love so much, to feel her lips against mine, to feel her hands in my hair. to just see her.. god.. i need her.."

"i feel so worthless without her. I'm so fucking over this. I JUST NEED TO SEE HER."

"i hope i die, i hope this all ends, if I die I can see her. she won't see me but i will be able to see her. i will be able to kiss her, hold her forever, lay with her, hold her hand. It would be amazing."

"I hope she hasn't moved on.. It's been a while.. What if she's forgotten about me.. what if I'm nothing to her now?"

"my dad said I can have my phone back for a bit in a couple of days, I'm so excited. i hope I don't break down in front of her. but god I'm so happy. I get to see my baby."

"today's the day, today's the day I can finally see her! oh god, oh god, oh god."

and now, I'm finally talking to you. my hands are shaking so bad, my breathing is uneven and I'm so god damned nervous. but I'm so happy, relieved and thankful, to see your beautiful face again

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