All my love

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"Baby come back" sitting on the window Lisa Morgan thought tears slide done from her beautiful hazel eyes towards her rosy pink cheeks. As the front gate opens from back.


Few years back......

"Oh Lord I will be late why have to car broke now Mrs. James will kill me and fry me like a becone." Shutting the car door mutter to herself. "I should start walking. Maybe just maybe she might be late" she givens herself some boost to not get in panic and starts walking. As soon she reached the corner a car honk from behind her but she continued to walk. And car came unexpectedly infornt of her and halt her stops in her track "watch where you.... uhm..." she starts the sentence but couldn't continue it because of the person in the car. Her eyes goes wide open. "Lisa come in we are in same class you don't want to mess up with Mrs James." Giving angry huff she again starts to walk car didn't move an inch. Well maybe he is right lift will be better option seeing down on her shows she decides. Lisa turns and stumping way in her feet which had 4" inches heels she jolt the car door open and sits behind closing it the with loud thud. The smile of amusement got on Jordan's face who shares apartment with her. Her anger was because she thought that the half of apartment she rented she will be with a girl but with her luck she was stuck with this boy who shares every class and university with her and was her competition and much for worse he was really messy person they fight almost everyday from now on to almost 3 months. After this day they become tolerable towards each other.


"How could you do this with me" Lisa shout and slaps her now ex-boyfriend. Its been 6 months she had given her time or you can say wasted her time on creepy cheap freaking lad "you are such a cheap person you cheater." Yes Adam has cheated on her back not just one time but many times now. And she had caught him red handed when she came to his apartment. She storms off with crying messy self of hers. Takes the cap which was waiting for her. She wips her tears up but waterfall was not stopping she reached her building pay for the cab and takes sit infornt small park which was made for building people. She crys her heart out the drizzling from the sky had become heavy rain. Lisa shivers and hold her coat tightly on her. But rain was good as it doesn't givens away she ways crying only her hick ups give away the truth of her crying. Putting her legs on bench and closing them near her. She bends and puts her head on it. After few minutes someone came to sit beside her. Wiping face with sleeves Lisa meet her eyes with the person that had came to sit next to her for much her surprise it was Jordon. He smiles at her. They sit there with peaceful silence. "I'm a good listener Lisa you can share with me I won't judge anything" he told her first clearing his voice and smiles at her when she watch his face. She returns her his smile with one of her small one. Something in her told that she have let out the strom of emotions she is facing now infront of him. With that she starts her story without seeing him and just watching in distance. "This is all crazy I should have payed little attention on him more I'm so stupid everyone will think this way." She wipe her tears and new tears make there way in her eyes. "Peoples will say what they want to say we can't make them stop. But have to face everything on your own sometimes their is no one to help you that's only the truth of world. Move on don't waste your precious time bullshit person like Adam. Come you will get cold." As he stands up and pull out his hand. Lisa smiles and takes his hand in hers and stands and they moves towards the apartment they share. And then and there the best friendship of them started.


"Oh come on that was an awesome movie" Jordan and Lisa came out of theater. "After lunch we will watch my choice of movie. They we will compare them" Lisa told him. After they watch an epic dramatic movie Lisa was in tears and Jordan was just enjoy the view beside him. Then and there he decided something. "Will you be my girlfriend..?" Out of blue he ask this Lisa who was in tears had now turn towards him. He again repeat the question she just nod her had that was it for Jordan. He was trying to say it for almost every day but here he said it between movie in the movie theater. After year and nine months he at last had courage to ask that. That when Jordan and Lisa or as there friends given their ship name "Joli" became an it couple.


"When were you planning to tell this Jordan?" As Lisa helds Jordan's acceptance letter for joining training of FBI as an agent. "I was waiting for letter baby calm down" as he takes her hands in his entwin them together. "You should have told me before." His two years girlfriend told him with the hit of disappointment. "I know baby I know" he accepts his own mistake. "And I'm the last person to know that. Dear this is so much." Her hazel eyes had hint of glassyness. "I was not confident about that you know I didn't knew I will be selected. Baby please let it go." He plead her guiltily. She hug him and become comfortable in his arms. "You will be going after a month" he nods his head "yes and we will have crazy life in this month." She laughs "how will I manage a year with out you babe." Now that it was the question Jordan was also not ready for. "Lisa baby look at me" he told her she do that and had tears in her eyes. "We will be alright nothing will come in our way. I will meet you at breaks. We will make it through that." He reassure me as well as him self.


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