.depressed like crap.

46 4 16

I'll give you a whole page to exit this part if you don't want to know about my depressed life. Ready? Here's your chance.

I honestly hate myself. With a fiery, burning emotion. There's so many things wrong with me. I have a disability called stuttering. Basically I can't talk right, or I can't talk at all without people thinking I'm choking. People say "oh, it's completely fine, I understand".
I don't think they do. I think on the inside, they're viewing me as a mentally disfigured nerd. Which I am; I have a mental issue.

For everyone who read this far, you probably don't feel sympathy. I totally get that. I know how people can pretend to be all sad on the internet to get attention. I've done that before. Not on Wattpad, but on some other site.

Speaking of Wattpad. Why do people follow me anyway? Am I really considered a friend, or are they just following because they think "if I will be nice to them, maybe they'll follow me back". Maybe if you're reading this, you've probably thought this before. Good. We're on the same page then.

I wonder why people read this book. It must be fun, reading about someone getting angry and relating to it yourself. I do it too.

Okay, enough feeling sorry about myself. This is what a rant book is for. Ranting, whether your viewers like it or not.

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