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Calculated with his first step, Mitch could say this was a first for many. His motheris finally allowing him to start junior year of high school which is a sign that maybe he should take some risks, or that things are changing.

Mitch was always stuck in the same routine, being protected by his mother from the outside world. It's started ever since he was born, and every time he asked to be let outside of the house, it was always the same excuse that "Mitchy, people are cruel and selfish. Like they say, it's better to be safe than sorry." And with that, "being safe," he had no clue what she was trying to be safe about. Sure, he has abnormalities, but in the 21st century, who doesn't? It's all about the way you protect and preserve yourself. Although, Mitch can't really say that. He's obedient at heart, no matter how problematic he may be, he always succumbs to his mother's will. Because, like she always says, it's for the best. Right?

So by catching himself at the first day of junior year at school, it's quite terrifying. He was waiting for someone from leadership to help him throughout the day, because the school supposedly "cares" and "wants their students to suceed to thier best ability."

Mitch doesn't see anything wrong with that. In fact, he reinforces it, but Kirstie knows it's all a lie. Because, her point being, how could a school care so much if nobody talks about real life issues of things like suicide, and have people take action for what's just when they just sit back and watch people take the fall? Which, now, makes him even more terrified of the school, because suicide is serious, and supposedly there are many more messed up things at this school that he has yet to find out.

So as she leads him down these halls, he keeps close, a little too close, but she's his safety for now.

He's quick to trust people, which isn't quite a good thing. He's been locked up inside his house because his mother wants to protect him and because he's "different," and he's his mother's "special boy." At first he started to question these motives until later he confuses himself and falls back into his mother's safety, almost like a cycle.

"Mitch? So your first class is English, which we're coming up to right now. Usually for the first days you just sit wherever you want. I'll drop you off here because my class is in the L building, basically all the sciences are held there, but meet me right here, okay? I don't wanna lose you on the first day." Kirstie smiles. Her reassurance is comforting to Mitch, but the passing people keep him on edge.

So, walking into the class, he seats himself in the back, trying to sink as far away from people as he can. The only true person he can trust is his mother, because she's been with him 24/7 growing up. Along with that, people are scary and supposedly judgmental. But, that's what mother said and maybe it's time for a change. I mean, Kirstie seems kind and trustworthy, so maybe things are different than his mother's point of view.

Time passes, school's practically almost over, 2 minutes exactly before the bell rings. As promised, Kirstie is picking him up in the place they both agreed on to be at, and she'll walk him to where Mitch's mother will pick him up. Kirstie and Mitch both agreed on spotting out places to meet each other because Kirstie actually wants to watch out for this boy. She's not usually into the whole "oh my god, bestie for life" shit, but she finds this boy's innocence and kindness refreshing, that maybe he won't find out all the dark secrets that live at this school.

"You're quite shy, huh? I haven't really hear you talk despite a nod or small smile." Kirstie says, turning her head towards him as she walks.

Mitch never was very talkative, although with his mother he somewhat is.

"I am not very verbal, I guess. I do not really know what to say."

"Well, how about this... how are you and your mom adjusting to the school? I mean, you could literally say anything. Consider me a new friend." Kirstie smiles again, that same smile she always says to be comforting, Mitch guesses. But, Mitch still likes the comforting gester, even if it's fake.

"My mother and I are good. School is quite scary though. I am glad to have you show me around school and consider me a friend." This time, Mitch is smiling. He is quite grateful, because he would be so lost and scared. I mean, he gets scared of many things, but this just tops it off.

"Is that your mom's car?" Kirstie asks, seeing the smiling mother in her car, her gaze averted towards the both of them.

"Oh, yes. My apologies for keeping you so late with me, but thank you for being there for me. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"You're totally fine. I'll meet you at the same place I met you this morning, okay?"

"Of course. Thank you again. I will see you." Mitch says, finally smiling and gripping the straps of his backpack, heading towards his mom's car.

"See you!" Kirstie smiles, waving at Mitch until he's out of sight.

"He's quite strange, hm."

~Time skip~

The same cycle repeats for a couple months, until one day he's called into the office.

"Now, I'm sure why you don't understand why you're here. Mitchell, your grades are phenomenal from coming into a public school with no schooling beforehand. Although I know this is quite soon, and stop me if you will, but I think it would be an amazing idea to tutor one of our struggling students here."

Mitch has to comprehend the idea at first. He is right, it is a little too soon, considering he literally doesn't know anyone but Kirstie still and cannot talk to people for the life of him...but it's new. He'd feel way too bad to not help someone who is struggling. And there aren't any consequences to the action, and there's no way he'd say no to this guy because a person ofauthority is not to be messed with.

"Of course, Sir. I would not mind helping someone who is in need of assistance, and I am honored you decided to choose me as the candidate."

The counselor looks at the kid. Such fiending innocence and very proper. This kid is definitely new because nobody speaks like that and nobody is that willing to do something. But, he doesn't mind. Because nobody wants to tutor this kid, and he has no idea why. But now that this new kid is willing, he'll take anything.

"Great! So, the boy is in your year and you'll meet him in the library in the B building. It's everyday, 15 minutes after school with 45 minute sessions. You'll have to talk to your mom about it and see how it works with your schedule, and we'll go from there. Okay?"

"Okay. I will do that."

"Okay, thank you. You can head home now. Thank you for being willing to do the tutoring. It really means a lot." The counselor smiles, walking Mitch to the door.

"Thank you, Sir. I will see you."

And that's exactly how he got into this dilemma.


luv u babes xx
-ari <3

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