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mkay, i'm back.

been a sweet minute, been a second but hello, welcome back, ya bitch is present.

anyways, i've decided to completely scrape this whole thang chicken wang and start with somethin' better with an actual possible realistic vibe? i don't even know, kiara what that fuck are you even saying.

aNyways again, i'm back and feelin' spicier than ever and i'm gonna be real and say that all my stories are shit so imma fix them up this summer and start anew.

so that means we startin' from a good ole' zero and working my way back up.

the old stories are still gonna be up there but imma be working in my notes on my phone and like having the same concept just with a better plot line and possibly vocabulary, i don't even know.

so, it's gonna be a longggg a$$ ride but hopefully y'all will like it and actually care about it because i've been pretty irrelevant because i'm never active so

yay me!!!!!

but anywho, i'm back bitches and y'all even ready for this shit storm so


luv luv u babes

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