The unwanted IT chapter 5

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Here it is. I had to make some other indtoductuon to the school part of how brandi is unwanted. so heres the next oart. enjoy


“Wow! THAT WAS AWESOME!.”  I yelled.

“Yeah, I haven’t been that excited ever since we played the game for championship and won by 1 basket that tweets made.” Sadie explained.

I said, “Oh!.! I remember that!” I said.

“Well that’s 2 things that we can cross off the list NO, wait, that’s 3 we started a fight.!” Sadie said.

Brandi had been sitting on a bench outside the school crying for about the past half hour.

I kinda felt bad about the whole thing with her getting yelled at, and by her own boyfriend, too. I knew we had to apologize for what we had didnt, but because of her calling the on us, and almost getting us caught for doing daring stuff, I wasn’t going to apologize.

Around 9:30, we headed up to my house, because Brandi was for sure going to find us walking around the town block. We ended up throwing water balloons at cars that drove by. Apparently Brandi was getting a ride with Annisia  in the back of her truck. Brandi and Annisia were sitting in the back of the truck, But Sadie and I didn’t know it. We both got our waterballons ready, and we chucked them at the truck.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Brandi yelled.

“What was that?!” Annisia asked laughing.

I don’t know why Annisia was laughing, because she was also hit. Although, she was just swimming, so I don’t think she cared.

Sadie and I busted out laughing and yelled, “ BULLSEYE!!! TOLD YOU YOU’D BE SORRY!!!”

Brandi and Annisia came walking down the street, and bith were soaked. Annisia had justgotten out of the ocean, along with Sadie and I. Brandi was soaked, because Sadie and I had just bombed her with water balloons.

Annisia came laughing. Brandi came with a mean look on her face.

“Why you so mad?” I asked Brandi.


“You don’t know that was us. Besides, it was dark, and you don’t have any proof.” Sadie said.

“I do have proof, I HEARD YOU TWO LAUGHING!” Brandi yelled, as her face got even redder.

Sadie told me that she had to go home, because her mom was going out, and she need someone to babysit. She walked up the street, and as she walked by Brandi, she made a puking face. I laughed, and she was just disgusted by the smell of Brandi. I don’t know why, because they ad both been doing the same thing all day, swimming.

“Why do you hang out with her?” Brandi asked, mad.

“She’s my friend.” I answered. “Don’t you have any friends?”

“No, well a few.” Brandi said with a shy voice.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…..” Annisia said sarcastically.

“For starters, you and Sadie made Chris breakup with me. He told everyone what you guys said I told everyone. Everytime I see my friends im always crying because of Anna and Goldie, so they got annoyed of me. So, I guess I don’t have any friends.: Brandi explained.

I kind of felt bad for all the things that I was involved in to make all of this happen. But then again, I thought of how much trouble she had almost gotten me into, so I didn’t feel bad anymore.

We spent about an hour outside talking about our summer, It felt like 1 week.

“Illsee you in school on Monday, I don’t want to go back though.” I said to them both, as I walked back inside


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