The breakup!!!(duh-duh-duh......)

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Havnet thought of anything really good or funny or you know what i mean. so heres a next update. kinda thought its funny here...


Brandi's POV

*vibrate. vibrate.*(LOL! thats funny!)

My phone was vibrating. It was only a matter of time until i actually felt it. As i took it out of my pocket, i was just wondering what my boyfriend would say wonderful about me this time. As i looked at it with a giant smile on my face, i slowly turned my smile to a frown. Eventually i was crying.

I couldn't believe this! I was going to break-up with him!

******************The conversation************************

The text:

Gah, I cant stand you anymore. Your such a jerk and i hear what people say about you. Its over.

My Reply:

BUT! I DONT DO ANYTHING TO PEOPLE! Im actaully an angel! ASK ANYONE!!!! please dont end it this way! give me another chance?

His reply:

Nope. I cant trust you anymore. You told me your nice as roses! your a liar and a jerk.

My reply:

I am nice like roses. I actually sent you some for valentines day! you mustve not gotten them yet...

His reply:

Thornes on Roses remind me of you!!!

My reply: Gah, I thought you were nicer then that?

His reply: just face the fact,!!!!!!! YOU A MEANIE!!!!!!!!!

*****End of convo*****

For the past 20 minutes ive been crying my eyes out. Most likely i literally did.

Should i go to the court? Well, if i do, ill most likely get humiliated there. But i will anyways.

As i walked (which was a bad idea. My make-up was already smeared becuase of the my tears, and now its like frozen to my face.) I got weird looks and glances, as if i were a black guy at a white school.

I knew coming to the court was a bad idea, all i got was laughs, pointings, and jokes. People starting asking if i was in a fight, apparently it looked like i had black eyes.


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