Time to Film

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*Joe's POV*

Today I film with Oli and Caspar. We are filming the who is the better friend challenge with the shock machine.

I woke up at 9 to clean the house because Elena is coming over too, I called her Monday, she had just gotten out of a photoshoot with TopShop.

"Hey Joe, whats up, "Good job everyone! See you here next week same time but come early if you can because we are photographing the whole line!! Sorry, I'm just finishing a shoot" she said, the photographer yelling in the background.

"No worries, I didn't know you were working today, I won't take long, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over Wednesday, Caspar and Oli are coming over so we can film"

"Oh yeah, yeah, at what time should I go over there?" She asks, I could hear people around her, congratulating her on her work.

"Well they are coming around 3, but you could come earlier so I can give you a tour of the house" I said, trying to sound casual.

"Yeah sure I'll get here at 2:30 ish then, send me the address when you can" she said. So I sent her the address.

I snap out of my flashback when the doorbell rings, It's her, I run upstairs and check my breath one last time before I open the door. You've got this suggy, round two, fight.

"Joe!" She says when I open the door she hugs me and kisses my cheek, I kiss hers as well.

"Elena, I'm glad you could come, the lads should be here soon" I say, she's holding a pack of beer. Where has she been all my life?

"Oh I brought a pack of coronas, I hope that's ok, the boys drink right? I forgot to ask" she says putting them on the counter.

"Yeah they drink, thanks, welcome to my crib" I say extending my arms out.

She laughs and looks around, "yeah it's nice, I like the couch" she sits down and bounces on it. Sugg stop thinking with your junk.

"Yeah, I like it too" I say grabbing two beers and sitting next to her. I uncap the bottle with my teeth. "Show off" she says grabbing the cap of my bottle and opening hers with a loud "pop".

"Who's the show off now" I say pointing at her beer. She laughs and leans back resting her feet on the table. Her white adidas originals match perfectly with her white jeans and black  belly shirt. I see why she would become a model.

She looks around the living room drinking her beer. "So what are you filming today, another prank, or a QnA, or a gaming video?" She's watched my videos before?

"Well I'm using a shock machine whichever of the lads gets the question about me wrong they get shocked, I'm trying to see who's the better friend, you've seen my videos before?"

She sits up and says "No, I watch Zoe's so I guessed you did the same types of videos"

"She doesn't do pranks or gaming??" I say looking at her. She shakes her head and I can see her thinking of an excuse  "Well I watch pranksters, and gamers too so I thought you did all of those as well"

She's definitely watched my videos before. "Yeah I do those too, here come I'll show you the rest of the house"

"I want to see how you edit videos" she says as we walk down the stairs.

"I'll show you" I point to the guest room and then I open the door to my room, and let her in first.

"Wow your room is pretty big" she says looking around. She walks into the bathroom, comes out walks to the closet and opens it. "Your closet is really nice, is it real wood?"

It all started with a drunk call Where stories live. Discover now