My old art teacher

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These rants make me feel good so yeah. Comment if you've had experienced people like this.

The story of Mrs. Pain (privacy reasons) she was my art teacher for half of fourth grade, through 6th grade. She was fine in fourth grade. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then in fifth grade, my class was the last class she had for the day. So everyone was on edge by that time. Especially her. So this tall, thin, Tim burton like 40 year old lady has just dealt with 4-12 year olds already. We walk into class and she would complain ALL THE TIME. But my class was a little bit chatty but not bad. But she would just get PISSED if you talked. So every week we'd get no time to do any work cause she's just complain. Then she get even more fkin pissed cause we'd have nothing done. This went on for months of just tension. Then in the spring, we walk into class and she has a paper with her, she smiles at our teacher. But once she leaves, mrs. Pain just death glares us. A room full of 10 year olds. Then she yell, no, screeches for us to sit down. With this glare still on her face, she reads the paper. This paper was her job description. She brought her fkin JOB DESCRIPTION to read to us. So she reads it. " I have to stay after hours for a paid hour for preperation. I'm at school till TEN OcLOCK EVERY NIGHt! FIVE FREAKIN HOURS THAT I COULD SPEND WITH MY FAMILy CAUSE OF YOu BRATS CANT FINISH YOUR ART PROJECTs!!!" Keep in mind. The reason we never got anything done is because she would complain and not let us do anything. " I put my blood sweat and TEARS into this class" and apparently your spit too *wipes face* " and you don't even TRY and work on your projects. All you brats do is talk over me!" This one sided discussion lasted the entire class time. This proceeded to happen every week for a month.

Fast forward to sixth grade. We had been doing the same sume (it was so BORING) for almost three months. And she said we were behind. I wonder why. But, she had this stuffed panda(my classes tended to have the same kids each year so she recognized us from last year) and immediately kept us after school for almost ten minutes cause she was sure we took her panda. We didn't. She profiled us. But, the worst was the next week at recess I had found out that she had told EVERY CLASS last year that we were the worst class she had ever taught to the entire school. The worst to every class. Yeah, that made us feel GREAT.*sarcasm*. And the worst part was that everyone had written emails complaining about her. But she plead innocent and the principal kept her. She still tortures kids to this day.

She's the reason I avoid art classes like the plague. Till last year when I had an amazing one. Even tho he ignored me when I had questions. I learned he thought my art was good and used it as examples A LOT. And he ignored me cause he knew I'd figure it out. That made me feel good. Onto the suicide and cinderella sub. Maybe

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