Enter the sky dragon

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In a small but busy port town named Hargeon we find a young girl and her talking cat exiting a train Station a young girl and a talking cat are trying to get off a train, the girl is awed by the sight of such a bustling town. The girl in question is named Wendy Marvell and her talking cat best friend is called Carla.
"Wow Carla look at how busy it is ! It's so different compared to the guild"
" yes now come along child the sooner we get this done the sooner we get to go home"
However Wendy still in awe buy the new senses she's experiencing only heard half of what her feline companion says as she failed to notice the train heading to the next stop.

Elsewhere, a young lime green haired girl , named Hisui , is looking for a Magic store. " man I can't believe there is only one magic store in this entire town "
" hello there young lady , how can I help you ? Would u perhaps like to purchase this item that can change the colour of your clothes to any colour you like ?"
" sorry shop keeper-San but I would reeeealllly like to know if you have any celestial gate keys in stock ?"

" my my what a rare request , but as luck would have it I recently obtained the key of Nikora, the Canis Minor. Its normal price is 20,000 Jewel but for such a young Mage I guess I can lower the price to 18,000 Jewel "

" I'll take it shop keeper-San" she says gleefully , she hands over the money and exits the shop humming a sweet song. Content with the barging she just scored she decides to go sight seeing and notices that Nearby, a large crowd is gushing over someone. This someone is the so-called Salamander. Hisui runs over too, because she knows of the Fire Magic the Salamander is supposed to have, a Magic you can't buy in stores A fire magic so unique and so beautiful that no other fire Mage across fiore can compare. " why do I feel so flustered all of a sudden ... Could it be ? .... Love at first sight ?".

Wendy and Carla are traveling in direction of the rabid crowd too. Wendy hopes that the Salamander is referring to the famous dragon slayer of fairy tail as he has always been an idol for her.

As The Salamander shows himself. Every female in the crowd seems captivated by his appearance, Hisui as well. The hearts that are formed in Hisui's eyes are shattered When Wendy comes within the circle to look for him,
" natsu-senpai!! "
" oh , that's not him Carla , I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time " Wendy bows and starts to leave , she is disappointed, as this Salamander is not the one she was expecting it to be , however in her disappointment she failed to notice a small rock in her pathways
"Come on child we've wasted enough time here let's go " Carla helps Wendy up and takes her by the hand , but as they're leaving they're stopped by the "salamander" He offers an autograph to Wendy , "here little lady , let me help you up , also here take my auto graph" Wendy not wanting to be rude politely takes the autograph with a blush on her face, (now Wendy may have a blush on her face but it's not for the same reasons as the rest of the girls in the crowd , it's because she's incredibly shy), he then winks at her and then using his fire magic shouts " red carpet"flies away but not before saying
" you are all invited to my party tonight on my boat , hope to see you there ladies " and with a final wink he's gone and the crowd disperses.

Hisui then approaches Wendy , " hi I'm Hisui and you really saved me back there from that awful man's Charm magic "
" uh .. Uh I'm glad I could be of use to you "
" let's me treat u to lunch to pay you back okay ?"
Wendy doesn't quite know what to say and is startled by Hisui's offer but Carla steps in
" we'd be delighted to accept your lunch offer , come Wendy I seen a perfect tea shop we can go too " while Wendy starts to follow Carla Hisui thinks too herself
" wow I never knew a talking cat would be so rude " Hisui then shakes her head and follows the duo anyway.

In the tea shop we find Wendy gorging on a Plate stacked full off all the sweets that the tea shop sold , these sweets included Wendy's favourite thing in the world ; cinnamon rolls. Whilst this is going on Carla is calmly is sipping her cup of green tea while Hisui is looking at the duo in exoneration
" so...once again thank you guys for the help against that wicked charm magic , seeing you broke the spell and once a target is aware they can't be captured again , you see I'm actually a Mage too "
Carla hearing this is doubtful " really the way you dressed I would think you're some kind of stuck up Noble girl"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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