The truth

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Bob,Wade,Jack and Mark got prepared for Pax and went out.

They all got into a car and double checked if they have everything.They all agreed and started the car.

The drive was silent until Jack spoke up

Jack-guys is everything ok or....

Mark-ohhh no no were fine its just that we.............

Mark stoped the car and loked at Bob and Wade.Giving them the "im gonna tell him" look they nodded and exited the car.Jack was confused and went with it.they had enough time(5 flipping hours)before pax.they all gathered in a cafe wich was almost epmty they sat down and ordered a drink(SODA)

Jack-Ummm okay then cheers....

Mark-Jack listen i....we wanted to talk to you..

Jack-okayyyy....(i dont like where this is going)

Wade-you have freaking su....capabilites that humans dont

Jack-what,no i dont!!!¿

Mark-Jack please were you BEST friends dont lie to us

Mark said it Calmly while Wade wanted to tell him emediatly.

Jack-im guessing you saw me use my water power

Mark-yes i even have a video of you using your powers,look!

Jack saw the video and started to tear up

Bob-Omg Jack are you ok¿?

Wade-yeah Jack whats wrong


Mark didnt say anything he just pulled Jack into a tight hug.

Mark-please tell me whats wrong

(thay are still in the cafe but there was little people) gave me powers before he......passed away he told me use them for.....for good because he told me if i....i practace enough my powers could heal people....

Mark-Jack im so so so sorry for your father i know how it feels......(sorry)

Jack-im sorry guys i didnt tell you before

Mark-its ok well keep it a secret as long as it takes

Bon-Yeah we got your back dont worry


Wade was thinking of something if he told the millitary he would get milions and milions of dollars!

Wade-(Omg i have to tell everybody)

Mark-ummmm Wade are you ok?

Wade-yeah fine just nervous for pax(i lied)

Mark-well then lets get going

•At pax reading questions•

Bob-Jack...hahahaha...Jack do you have a proposal speach prepared for Mark<3<3

Jack-ohhh dear heart throb of youtube......would you please share you subscribers with me for the rest of our lives



Jack started fake crying and sat on the chair and Wade fake comforted him

Jack-Ewww god see what happed i got commforted by Wade


It was end of pax but then wade jumped and tried to say something

Wade-JACK HAS......

Wade looked at Jack his face almost in tears

Jack-(ohhh no his gonna say it im fucked)


Jack-(wait what)


Wade-come on guys lets go

•Back at the house•

Wade-Jack im so so so sorry i dont know what went threw my mind will you please forgive me

Jack-ughhh....fine but if you do it again your screwed!

Jack went the bathroom to take a shower

Bob-what the hell was that Wade

Mark-yeah why would you almost tell everyone about Jacks powers

Wade-I DONT KNOW!!!!my mind went places and i stoped.

I dont know why im so stupid im really sorry you guys

Bob-we forgive you Wade

Mark-we do


Hey guys sorry i didn't update in a while but i hope you enjoyed

And also sorry for how short it is im trying my best(even thoe i suck)

Anyways love you all<3

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