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The low tone of the call ending sounded in my ear before I could even say more.

"Rude ass..." I muttered to myself. He was always like that, didn't like wasting time with pointless conversations. I smiled softly to myself thinking of how serious he always tried to be.

My eyes were focused on the sight of the morning sun shining on the scummy, downtown street. The dull, faded colors of the neighboring buildings added to the look of the shitty neighborhood. A pigeon or two walking out into the street to pick at a wandering piece of trash. Someone walking down the street with disgruntled look on their ugly mug. This was home.

A loud thud coming from the living room had pulled me from my thoughts. The slight, drunken dizziness was beginning to fade now being replaced with an oncoming headache.

"Ugh those jackasses," I muttered running my hand through my short locks. They seriously had to go, I didn't need Matt seeing the apartment a fucking mess when he arrived.

"Alright, everyone out!!" I yelled as I opened my bedroom door. Met with the sight of my old TV face down on the floor in a messy living room, I was now pissed. "Are you SHITTING ME?!"

I stormed over to my TV, lifting up the heavy fucker. The glass screen was shattered, pieces falling onto the old, stained carpet. My mind went blank for a moment and I froze there with the TV in my hands. Everything was silent now, except for the music still playing in the background.

"Davey...uh we're sor-"

I dropped the TV, creating another loud thud that had cut off Quinn's apology. I turned around feeling a fire spread from the pit of my stomach, throughout my whole body. Quinn's facial expression had changed from apologetic to terrified. Her hazel eyes wide with fear and a hint of sorrow. Everyone else stared at me intently, like they were watching a ticking time bomb. They knew they had fucked up.

"Get out..." I mumbled, glaring daggers at everyone in the room.

Jake had finally spoken up. "David, c'mon don't be-"

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" I hit my fist against the wall behind me, feeling a part of the wall cave in. God dammit.

They quickly picked up their belongings and filed out of the room. Brian had thrown my phone onto the couch before closing the door behind him.

I walked over to the old, stained couch only to find it covered in ash and spilt beer. The coffee table was littered with cigarette ash, blunt wraps, and my now empty stash jar.

Closing my eyes and sighing heavily, I began to clean up the same mess I've been cleaning for a few years now.


My phone's constant ringing had caused me to suddenly awaken from my sleepy state. I sat up, feeling around in the couch cushions for it. My hand had finally found it, seeing who had called and how many times they did caused my stomach to drop.

Eight missed calls from Matt. I looked at the current time and cursed at myself. 3:42 pm. From scanning the living room, the first thing I laid my eyes on was the broken TV on the floor. Great...

I rushed out the door, running down the steps and out the building. Within a few seconds I was in my shitty car with the engine started. Dialing Matt's number, I plugged the phone into the aux cord waiting for to him to pick up.

"David. Where the fuck are you?"

"On my way right now," I said, still trying to catch my breath. Peeling out of the lot, I raced down the street exceeding the speed limit by at least ten miles. Fuck, I'm never gonna hear the end of this shit.

"My flight had landed almost two hours ago."

"I know, I-"

"I said to be here a little before two," he had calmly cut me off. "Why aren't you here?"

This wasn't good. When he's this calm about me fucking something up I know I'm in deep shit.

"I know, but I fell asleep..." I trailed off.

The sound of him taking a long exasperated breath could be heard through the speakers. "David."


"You better fucking be here within fifteen minutes with a burger and fries or else I will have your FUCKING HEAD! Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," I responded with a nervous smile and with that he had hung up.


About twenty minutes later, I had Matt in my car with his choice of music playing and him working at the last of his fries.

The first thing I had done upon seeing Matt at the airport was stare. Just stare at my best friend. At how much he'd changed. How he'd grown to be only a few inches shorter than me. How thin he still was. How his chocolate brown hair had grown with bangs that covered his eyes. How his dark eyes had seemed empty. How his facial expression was void of any emotion.

We had finally made eye contact, and briskly with his duffle bag in hand he had made his way to me. I embraced him. It had been five fucking years since I had actually seen him. One of the only people in my life that actually mattered.

He just stood there in my arms, his head resting on my shoulder. The scenery of the crowded, bright airport had faded from my awareness. Just me and him. It was a moment where nothing else had seemed to matter. I wouldn't feel so alone anymore...

"Uhmm, dude," Matt spoke up in his dull tone. "people are beginning to stare."

I looked up and turned to see a few people nearby giving us weird looks.

"And you think I give a shit?" I laughed looking back down at him giving him a cocky smile. His wide eyes nervous and cheeks dusted with pink.

"Ok," he looked away from me, attention now on the others around him. "Well I do. Can we go now? I'm fuckin' starving."

"Alright fine," I said letting him go.

I smiled at the annoyed look he was giving me. I could never take him seriously.

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