Meet the fam!

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(C/F/N) = Country's first name
(C/L/N) = Country's last name
(I will be writing individual results so they'll be in the next part, includes : America, France, Russia and the Baltics, and the Nordics)
Also, sorry if the country you hoped for isn't in that list ^ , but it's okay because I'm going to try to focus on a lot of different characters that aren't usually put in these types of stories. I might make stories specifically for other characters as well.

-Back to the story-

You woke up at a hand on your shoulder, you opened your little eyes and rubbed them, Arthur was dressed in a suit and tie, as always.

"It's time for our world meeting, I want you to join us there."
He said quietly.
"Okay England.."
He'd bought you a little (F/C) dress with a pair of sandals.
After pulling the clothes on, he picked you up and carried you to his car, where he drove off.
The world meeting was in the UK this time, thankfully.

You held England's hand as the two of you walked in, the room went silent as eyes landed on you.

America's speech about a giant "Super Robot" went to a halt. "Dude.." he mumbled in disbelief.

What is zhis~?"
Sounded a certain Frenchman as he twirled a rose between his fingers.

"Aiya! She is so cute! Aru!"
Squealed China.

"Da, Very cute.
The owner of this voice made you feel kinda scared.

Was heard in the background.

Spoke a calm voice.

"Vhat zhe hell iz zhis?"
Asked the blonde, German male.

"Aww! Hehe, how cute!"
Sounded the essence of Santa himself.

"Omg, she's like, so cute."
Said a Polish man.

-many, MANY remarks later -

Arthur glared at nearly everyone as he led you to a seat and sat you on it.
You happened to be sitting between Norway and Belarus, Belarus glared at you.
You gulped and tried to talk to her, but she traded seats with Lithuania, who was much more polite.

Arthur took his seat on the other side of the giant round table, but his eyes never left you.
"Dude, Igg-brows!
Where'd the kid come from?"
Asked America, to which all the countries listened in.
Arthur shifted uncomfortably he tore his gaze away from you in order to explain the situation.

The nation's eyes saddened as they listened, even Belarus felt a little bad for you. You looked around and your eyes landed on the representation of Hungary, she had her hands on her chest as she looked at you sadly.
After Hungary, you met Austria's eyes.
His face showed nothing, but on the inside he DID feel a bit of sympathy towards you.

"Are you going to keep zhe child?" France asked, to which England looked up.
"That's actually why I bought her here, I want her to choose who she'd like to stay with."

You blinked, you wouldn't be able to choose.

"I have an idea, dudes!"
America spoke up.
"How about some of us write our names on a scrap of paper and put them all in a jar? We'll have (Y/N) pick out a scrap!"

"I guess that'll do.." Arthur mumbled.
And with that, some of the countries put their names on a piece of paper and put it in a jar.
After Alfred shook the jar around, he held it down to you, you closed your eyes and reached in.
You picked out a scrap.
"(C/F/N) (C/L/N)?"

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