Chapter 8

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    My hands started to shake violently, and I almost dropped the paper. Cole wordlessly came over and snatched it out of my hands, able to tell something was enormously wrong. His face twisted into a mask of fury, nostrils flaring. He took a deep breath or two and managed to calm himself before looking at me.

I knew exactly what he saw. A horrified girl, her emotions plain on her face, looking down at her trembling hands she was unable to control. Sensing I was close to having a breakdown, small tears already leaking out, his gaze immediately softened, and his eyes went the warm shade of green I had already grown to like. He gently whispered to me, "I'll keep you safe. I won't let him hurt you, I promise. I started to sob, quickly losing control.

Silently, Cole approached me, and pulled me into a tight embrace. I sobbed into his chest, shoulders shaking. He comforted me, gently rubbing my back with one hand. I don't know how long he stood there, not saying anything, just holding me and letting me know he was there. Eventually, I calmed down enough to stop crying. But he still held me. For the first time, I was actually aware of how close we were. My heart was beating so loud I was sure he could hear it.

Suddenly, I became uncomfortable. I didn't even know Cole that well, we had just met. I did feel things for him, but... I raised my head, intending to let go, but instead he raised his head as well. I got trapped in his eyes, and couldn't look away. They took my breath away, beautiful emeralds gazing down at me.

Finally, I quickly blinked away the haze, and pulled back. He let me go, still looking at me. After a minute of silence, Cole said, I'll be in the living room tonight if you need me." I nodded, not saying anything. "Goodnight," he said with a slightly worried expression. "Night," I whispered.

He left, softly shutting the door behind him. I exhaled the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Climbing into bed, I ran my fingers through my hair. My heart was still pounding from the memory of his warm, soft chest against my cheek.

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