Chapter 14

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"How do you like that, love?" John leered with his British accent. I was pressed up against the wall, trying to get away from him. He slapped me across the face as hard as he could, a brick slamming into my cheek. I cringed and prepared for another. He had left me alone for a couple hours, but had recently come into the room to give me a beating.

"Your parents took away everything I loved." He slapped me again just as hard as the first time. "Now," he said with a leer, "I'm taking away everything you love." He brought his hand up to my face and watched as I shrank away from it. He laughed and got up in my face so I could smell his rancid breath. "Including the boy."

I gasped. "No, please, leave Cole alone. You have what you came for, you don't need him." "You'll see." He said as he flashed me yet another smile.

He grabbed my wrists and began to pull me out into the middle of the floor. I tried to get away but he was too strong. Once I reached the center, he let me go, and before I had a chance to get away, delivered a stunning kick to my ribs, in the exact same spot he had attacked me the first time.

No sound came out as I tried to scream, all the air leaving my lungs in a forceful gust. His vengeance aroused and he lost control of himself, kicking every inch of my body until I saw stars dance across my vision. I had almost lost consciousness when he stepped back, and with one final kick to the ribs, he wordlessly left me alone.

He slammed the door as he exited the room, which once white walls were covered in staining blood splatter. My blood. More of it streamed around my body in a gigantic pool, flowing freely from my waist.

When I managed to sit enough up to look at my ribs, making black spots dance with the stars, the sight of my bone jutting out from crimson-stained flesh forced me to lie back down as a wave of nausea washed over me.

I was bleeding too much; I wouldn't last long. I started to fight the idea or dying reflexively and then thought about it, the adrenaline giving me clarity of thought. If I died, then John wouldn't need Cole. There would be no purpose to have him if I was gone. Maybe John would let him go.

Yes, that was what I needed to do. The only was I could make it up to Cole for leaving him, going against my promise and breaking his heart, was to die so he could be free.

Resigned to my fate, I relaxed and let the terror I felt melt away. I thought of waking up to Cole's face, when he carried me home, the times when he held me when I was scared, the wonderful memories I would cherish forever. I relived the moment when I lied on his chest, content to stay there forever and just feel.

I wished I could see him one more time to tell him why I made the choices I did, why I couldn't stay, how grateful I was to him for the best time of my life. I would tell him how much I loved him......... I imagined the kiss we never had.

I would tell him I was happy to die for him, that I always knew it would come to this but he was worth every tear.

And lastly, I would tell him the three simple words I meant with every single tiny fragment of my being: I love you.

The tears streamed down my face as I thought about leaving him. He might hate me, but I hoped he would know it was for the best. I would always love him, no matter what happened.

With an agonizing deep breath, I closed my eyes and let go. I was ready.

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