Don't Judge Me... You Only Think You Know Me

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Funny isnt it? How someone can be surrounded by a room full of people and still feel like the loneliest person in the world. In fact its almost laughable how we automatically expect the people we love and care most about to love and care about us in return, but it shouldnt be laughable, yet I find myself laughing. I guess its from impulse or maybe it could be because of how shaken up I am about the whole concept of it all.

As a matter of fact it should be a natural instinct to want to love, care for and protect the ones you are close to but the reality of it all is that just because you expect certain things does not mean that your expectations will always be met, so you learn to live with the fact that not everyone is going to feel the way that you do, not everyone is going to understand, not everyone is going to want the things that you want, not everyone is going to care as much as you do and sometimes even the ones who do care may not always understand and the ones who understand may not always know how to deal with the situation, so where does that leave you?

Alone, like that kid you put on time out sitting in the corner of the room hugging his knees to his chest, tears streaming down his cheeks, his head swarmed with all sorts of questions that he has no answers to, overwhelmed with emotions that he has no control over and consumed by feelings of despair, hopelessness and doubt.

I am but a figment of your imagination because you judge me based on assumptions of who or what you think I am without actually knowing anything about me. I might as well be a dream to you. A dream that has you confused, leaving you searching for answers to a puzzle that is not and has never been yours to solve but you constantly search, prod and dig for clues to what drives me to think the way that I think, act the way that I act and make decisions that you just cant seem to comprehend.

It costs absolutely nothing to simply humble ones self and pay attention to things that concern them and not what everyone else is doing or how others are living their own lives but then again, what would the world be like if everyone minded their own business and were good, wholesome human beings? I mean how boring would that be right? And boring just doesnt cut it in the world that we live in today. Everyone is looking for the next big thing, the next juicy story, and the next trend, whats going on in everyone elses life while failing to acknowledge the absence of themselves in a life that is supposed to be theirs.

I will probably never understand why it is so hard for some people to just allow people to be themselves and to live life to the best of their own abilities and in their own way. I think I would be searching pointlessly if I continued to seek understanding for what makes someone think its ok to tell anyone else how they can or cannot live their own lives, who they can or cannot associate with, who is or isnt suitable for them to love or who they should or shouldnt aspire to be in life.

Dont get me wrong. When you genuinely love or care deeply about people, you instinctively want what is best for them, you want to be able to guide them and protect them and try to ensure that they make wise decisions especially if you have been down a similar path in life. However we all have our own paths to follow in life and in the same way that you had to choose your path and you made mistakes and learn from them, in as much as you care about people you have to be willing to let them choose their paths, make their decisions, make their own mistakes and hope that they learn from them and can evolve as you did.

Caring is not keeping the ones you love away from the dangers of this world but its allowing them to go through the trials, supporting and encouraging them to keep pushing onward while learning and growing every step of the way. Its assuring and reassuring them that although they may fall numerous times along the way, although they are going to make decisions that are not always going to be of good judgement, although they may stumble and may reach their lowest point, they will always have someone or people who care enough to lend a helping hand, a word of advice or encouragement and the reassurance that as long as there is life there is an opportunity to do better and be better.

You dont always have to agree with the choices or decisions that people make but you can love them enough to respect their decisions and wish them well. Just because someone makes a decision thats not favorable to you does not mean that you should love them any less. We are individuals, we think differently and act differently.

Some of us can analyze a situation and make the best decisions that will produce the most positive and favorable outcomes. Others have to go through the trials and experience the hurt in order to learn and grow. We are not all the same and we should be willing to allow others the opportunity to experience life in their own way despite our feelings or opinions. Theres nothing wrong in providing a few guidelines or some cautionary measures or hints here or there but never try to live someone elses life for them, you have yours and that should be enough for you to deal with without trying to take on other peoples burdens while joggling your own. You may think differently but Thats just the way I look at it.

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