We All Come With A Past....... What Happens Now?

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Nobody is perfect, we all have baggage, and we all come with a past. After all, it takes a past to get you to this present moment and of course we all wish that we could somehow go back in time and change certain things that we may have done in our past, but as we all know, thats not yet possible, at least not until we master the art of time travel but who knows how long thats gonna take. So I guess maybe you cant always hold people to their pasts, especially if they have learned from it and are trying to do better and be better but life is set up in a way that allows your past to be forever entwined to your future or your present moment in one way or another.

Weve heard so many people say Its because of what happened in my past thats made me the person that I am today, and they are actually right. Our pasts set the foundations for our future and many of the trials and errors that we encountered in our pasts were only stepping stones, guidelines, pathways and preparations for what our future will be. So its fair to say that we should be cautious with the way in which we live our lives, the decisions that we make, the people that we allow to influence us, the way in which we carry ourselves and the manner in which we think from an early age because it will determine what our futures and present moments turn out to be.

Its hard however when you are in a relationship or when someone elses life deeply, greatly or closely affects yours. Its almost as if their past becomes your concern or burden to deal with. Yes it might be their past but when you find out about it, it then becomes your present moment to deal with. They may have tried or may have even gotten over it or put it to rest and thats all good for them but what about you? Its all new information to you so what are your options? What do you do? If the trials or mistakes that someone or people you love have had to encounter in the past begin to affect you emotionally, mentally or in any possible way, can you continue to let it remain just a distant memory or information that you have but cant change? I mean it would be wrong to hold anyone to anything that they may have done in the past but it doesnt mean that you cant take measures to ensure that their mistakes are not repeated or that you are not hurt because of their past life.

So how do you move forward? How do you learn to accept people for who they have become and not who they once were? How do you give them a fair chance at doing better and being better? I guess it starts with understanding that no one is perfect, that everyone makes mistakes, that if someone learns from their mistakes and are making the effort to do better and be better that we are in no position to judge them or hold them to those mistakes but rather we should learn to forgive, love and encourage them to be the best that they can possibly be? That sounds about right doesnt it?

I believe if you genuinely love and care about people you won't limit your judgement or opinion about them to only the wrongs that they may have done but you will find it in your heart to forgive and allow them the chance to learn, grow and thrive. I believe you will care enough to see the beauty and potential within them and you will stand by them and encourage them to make better decisions. You dont bring down the people you love, you lift them up, you dont hurt the people you love, you cherish them, you protect them, and you want nothing but success and happiness for them. You arent envious of the people you love, you want them to be successful and to excel in all that they do. You dont betray the people that you love you wish them well, you support them and you are honest and open with them about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear.

You speak the truth in the same way that you would demand the truth for yourself. You respect and appreciate the people that you love and Im no master on relationship advice but I believe that its through these actions that you will be able to genuinely love someone with all their flaws, with all their baggage, with all their mistakes. Its through these actions that you will be able to move forward and have a healthy relationship that is not based on anyones past mistakes. You may think differently but.. Thats just the way I look at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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