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Tom's POV

I got off the couch and jumped when I heard edd yelling I opened my door to see what happened and all I could see is edd talking to a guy in red but I couldn't make him out so I just shut the door not worrying about it and finished drinking my Smirnoff as I sat down on my couch again.

Tord's POV

I watch Edd go back into his appointment while I went back into mine I sat on my bed. At least I got Edd to forgive me but he doesn't trust me at all...... well now I think I'm going to hang out with Edd if he lets me. I got up and walked out of my apartment and to Edd's apartment door and knocked

*Edd answers* "hey Tord...." Edd says in a low tone like he wasn't really happy

"Can I come in?" I asked

"Sure" he gazed at me

"Thanks...." I really didn't feel welcomed here but I did destroy his house..

*Edd sat at the couch flipping through channels and drinking his cola*

I sat at the couch in silence and I could see Edd stare at me a couple of time till finely He spoke up

"So how was you since the robot thing that happened"

"Well not really good" I looked at him

"Why" he asks

"Grief" was the only thing I said and I looked at the TV again

"Oh...." he says and looks at the door when someone knocked on it he got up and answered it. It was Tom and Matt

When I seen them I sat back into the couch so they wouldn't see me when they walked in but fate had other plans before I even got to sit back Matt was surprised


"I know he is" Edd explained

"Why did you let him in here" Tom growled

"Because he apologize" Edd says crossing his arms around his chest

"So" Matt says slightly angered

"So I'm giving him another chance" Edd growled

It was nice that Edd was supporting me

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