Chapter 2

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"Wake up, sweetie!" The annoying New Jersey accent of Cindy comes ringing across my hotel room. "Today's the day, little one, today's the day you're going to WIN!" She jazz-handed in front of my bed.

That's the thing about Cindy, she can be such a bitch, but has such a love and passion for winning that she's comical. I laughed slightly as I got up and shooed her out of my room to change for rehearsals. I wrapped a big pink bow around my head and let my long bright blonde, almost white hair flow down to my butt. I decided on a Paris post-card type T-shirt with black leggings and low black boots.

My newly-assigned body guard Tim ushered me out of the hotel and through the screaming fans. Since I was so little and hated closed spaces, I trusted Tim with all my heart as he guided me through the screaming crowd of mostly teenage girls.

Rehearsals were rehearsals. I had to practice my performance, including the dancing and over-dramatized hand movements I did to tell my story through the song. I wasn't permitted to watch my opponents rehearse, so I just sat backstage with my vocal coach and makeup artists, biting the skin off my thumbs as I awaited the show to begin.

The hour before it actually did start was pure chaos. My stylists were getting me dressed in my lace black gown as my hairdresser was curling my hair and styling it in a big, vintage queen type. My makeup artists highlighted what little cheekbones I had and tried to make my slightly chubby cheeks look not so slightly chubby.

The whole show went by in a blur, and all I remember are the lights and screaming and my voice hitting the notes perfectly. If only One Direction was watching, maybe even commenting their opinions on how I executed my performance. But hey, who am I kidding, I'm just a speck in this world. We all are just specks until we give ourselves a reason to stand out.


Well, tonight's the night. Tonight's the night when I find out the answer to the question I've been asking myself for months. Am I going to win this competition?

The butterflies in my stomach just couldn't be contained as I got made-up in the same updo I had last night. Cindy was clicking away at her phone, taking the occasional picture of me to tweet later on as my "victory tweet" as she called it.

Although I wasn't too sure.

The only thing I was thinking about as I walked onto that stage was how far I have come. I remember a year ago when I told my parents I wanted to sing for real, and what better way to figure out if I'm good then to try out for a competition show? I still remember seeing their shocked faces being horribly hidden by the look of "I knew you could do it!" every week when I would advance on.

But this week I didn't just advance on to the next round.

I advanced on to life.

And if I didn't win, would I ever advance? Thats the question I've had for awhile now.

What will happen if I don't win?

Looks like I'll find an answer to that question soon.

Because I didn't win.

I looked over to my right and put on the best smile I could to congratulate the winner, the magician. He hugged me and whispered words of "you should've won" but hey, life is life and I take what I can get. I walked fast, but not too fast, to get out of the hot burning spotlight that still illuminated the losers.

And backstage wasn't any worse.

Cindy was calling many people, screaming varieties of "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" and "I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE HAD IT IN THE BAG?"

I just calmly made my way back to my dressing room and hugged my stylists, Tim, and anyone around.

Because for some strange reason, I knew that this wasn't the end.

{HEY GUYS! long time no see! I'm still continuing this story, I've just been sick recently. Like really sick. Like they-thought-I-had-cancer sick. But no worries, I pulled through and this girl is making her recovery FAST! (prayers appreciated)

Anyways...uhhh...I hope you all liked it! I'll be updating more frequently, maybe if I get more reads then I'll be consistent and constant with my updates.


love you all! xoxo E}

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