Racing Knockout

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Bumblebee was totally speeding as he struggled to catch up with Knockout, who was carrying a vile of... something that was apparently important, because he'd been boasting about it earlier, before Bumblebee was chasing him down the interstate at 90 miles an hour. Optimus wanted him to find out what it was, or at least what was so special about it, which meant Bee was gonna have to catch up to him, one way or another...
He was right on Knockout's tail, when he noticed the dreaded sirens and lights behind him- a cop was right on his tail! He knew it was important to follow the law, specifically so that they wouldn't have to interact with the local cops, due to their lack of visible drivers, but he wasn't so sure that meant he had to give up on chasing Knockout just to get in trouble with a cop. After a couple seconds, Bumblebee decided to just try to lose him, like Knockout was doing, and pushed himself up to 110 miles an hour, dodging through traffic to keep up with the Con. But the officer wasn't going to give up that easily, twisting through traffic after them, determined to get Bee to pull over.
"Aw scrap!" Bee muttered in annoyance, pushing himself to go even faster, now at over 125 mph, and finally managed to see some results from the cop, as his whimpy old car fell behind, unable to go as fast as the two sports cars he was chasing. Bumblebee only felt a little bit guilty for his moment of excitement when he realized he might actually out run the guy.
"Knockout!" He shouted over the roar of their engines and the blaring sirens. "We need to get off the freeway, or we might crash!"
"Eh, who cares if a few pathetic humans get munched?" Knockout replied with an audible smirk. Bumblebee grimaced at the thought and replied quickly.
"Well along with those humans getting munched, goes your paint job!"
"What?! Primus, that's true! I can't have that!" Knockout shouted in mild distress. "But you still won't be able to get your hands on my package!"
"Whatever, just get off," Bumblebee urged, following him down the off-ramp and onto a dirt road. The instant he was away from traffic, Knockout roared back up to speed, forcing Bumblebee to follow at roughly 150 mph, which felt like almost his personal limit. He'd never gone even close to this fast before, and he hoped nothing bad would happen.
Up ahead, Knockout suddenly slammed on his brakes, only barely making the sharp turn, and Bumblebee quickly slammed his brakes as well. He wasn't quite able to make the turn, however, and was forced to transform and jump over the large boulders Knockout had turned past, landing with a transforming-somersault, and quickly raced after the Con again.
"Scrap, that was a close one!" He said to himself, feeling a little shaken by the near crash.
It didn't take long for Bee to catch up again, but it was mostly because Knockout was going considerably slower now. Unbeknownst to Bumblebee, Knockout was about to call the Warship for an emergency groundbridge.
"Soundwave! I need a groundbridge right now!" He growled, impatient with the delay. Seconds later a bridge opened directly in front of him, and he drove through.
"Scrap!" Bumblebee couldn't let Knockout get away, but what would he do if he found himself on the Nemesis?! He didn't really have time to decide, as he had been right behind Knockout when the bridge opened, so when he tried to stop it was too late. He went straight through the bridge and as expected found himself on the Nemesis. He didn't waste time dealing with the Vehicons that immediately started shooting at him, and instead took off after Knockout, who was up ahead, walking around the corner towards the medbay. Evidently, he hadn't noticed Bumblebee follow him through the bridge.
"Perfect," Bee smirked, accelerating as much as he dared in the confined space, and tore around the corner, driving up on wall a little to make the turn. As he did , he transformed and tackled Knockout from behind, the vile flying out of his hands. Bumblebee front hand springed off the Con and dove for it, making the catch just before it hit the ground, and immediately transformed again and took off down the hall.
"No!" He heard Knockout shout as he transformed and followed him at top speed, closing fast.

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