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1. I just caught a 537 Pinsir!!!
2. I just saw one of the old cargo trains that take forever to get across the train tracks. I've always wanted to see one since I was little.
3. When I woke up yesterday day it was raining and there was a lot of thunder. I have no idea why, but I love thunder
*sound of lightning striking*
4. Karma just hit some people I knew, and it's only round one.
5. Despite where I am, I still had fun today. I haven't done that in a while, especially because of the atmosphere I'm in. Today was a good day!
6. I remembered that I had an actual plastic pokeball when I was little, I'm looking for it now and I'm sooo close to finding it.
7. I almost got to ride in a cop car, don't worry, I wasn't in trouble. I wasn't going to get in trouble even if I did ride in the car.
8. I finally got a Beedrill, it's been around me for a while but it never showed up until a few hours ago.
9. I'm eating a yummy chocolate chip cookie.
10. There was a bunch of stuff but I can't remember cause I'm too happy and I have a cookie😂😂😂

LPS_Angel_Daschund HufflepuffOncerCS  are either you up? Did I just wake you up, I'm sorry if I did. But I need to talk to you guys but I don't want to wake you up. So I decided this was the most subtle way possible.

Remember, even if you feel down and you feel like you can't do anything, things will always turn out well. Even if everything's out of the ordinary(In a bad way) things will always get better, but only if you stay true to yourself. Be a good person and soon good things will happen to you. I know, you've probably heard this a billion times, but it's true. Karma always comes back, but it's not always bad, it will be good if you're good.

I hope that makes sense, (unless it makes dollars😂) because it's late and I'm overly happy, so I'm just writing anything.

Does anyone else do this?

Disclaimer: I don't own that picture, blah blah blah

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Disclaimer: I don't own that picture, blah blah blah. I found it on Pinterest.

Just Another Random BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora