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Hey....hehehe, *laughs nervously* so ya. I know I haven't updated in a long time but, you know, procrastination, I really just didn't want to do anything but binge watch supernatural....I'm in the middle of season six now. I also have to watch season six of The Walking Dead.....OH WHALE. Sorry nonexistent readers but I'm just a big procrastinator. Have you seen Tim Urbans TED Video? Ya, I have like a million of those instant gratification monkeys, and they are currently trying to kill the panic monster. But on the bright side, I got a ton of memes and other stuff for you guys. I'm really hoping thats enough. So here are some of them.

I love dragons, if couldn't already tell

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I love dragons, if couldn't already tell. *note the sarcasm*

I overly obsessed with Supernatural

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I overly obsessed with Supernatural. I wonder what I'll be like once I finish all the seasons on Netflix, I'm gonna be like a major fangirl.

 I wonder what I'll be like once I finish all the seasons on Netflix, I'm gonna be like a major fangirl

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Ayyyyyeeeeee. Supernatural and Harry Potter.

Most of guys probably don't even know where this is from

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Most of guys probably don't even know where this is from. I used to love this show. I was watching tv with my little cousin one day, and so I out this show on. It's terrible now, they changed everything even the animation, the animation used to be wayyy better. If you do know where this is from comment Blue.

 If you do know where this is from comment Blue

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Bye guys.


Just Another Random BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora