Supernatural Elisa - 13

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Supernatural Elisa

“School is so boring” I complain to my dad as I walk into the living room.

In a flash Klaus has I picked up against the wall, staring into my eyes.

“Dad what the hell” I glare.

“You’re a vampire” He whispers.

“No I’m not dad, I haven’t drunk blood and I haven’t been burned by the sun so” I smile.

“No he means you’re the Potens lamia dvojnik unum or the PLDU for short” My uncle walks in, and Klaus pulls away.

“What how” I ask.

“It roughly translates to the powerful vampire-witch doppelganger one” He explained “Once upon a time there was a prophecy that said a powerful vampire-witch doppelganger will either rule the earth or make sure it was well or destroy it”

“Okay so I’m either going to save the earth or destroy it” I ask.

“Pretty much” Elijah frowned.

“And when I thought my life couldn’t get any better” I scowled.

“Elisa comes here” My uncle commanded I walked forward.

“My name is no longer Elisa it sounds way much like Elena” I whisper then I walk out the door and to my car and drive away to the hospital to change several files.


“ELISA WHY IS THERE RAINBOW CAKE IN MY BED” Rebekah screamed at me as I arrived home.

“Sorry Elisa has changed her name she won’t answer” I answer back.

In a blur my aunt is in front of me “What’s you name now”

“Lucia” I beam “I have even changed it for school” I lick my lips.

“Humph” She stalked away.

“So tired” I muttered, I dint know way but I was so tried at the moment it killed me.

I ran up to bed quickly un-dressing I fell asleep.


“I thought school started in 10 minutes” A voice teased.

I sat bolt upright and pushing my dad off my bed I ran and pulled on skinny black jeans, baggy grey top, knee-high boots and a leather jacket. I brushed on some smoky eyeliner and soft pink lipstick and my favourite black sunnies. I race down out of the house and drive top speed to school and dash into my history class just in time.

“Oh hi, you must be the new student, Lucia” Alaric asked me.

“No it’s me Elisa but I changed my name” I smile.

“Oh now your Lucia”

“Better believe it” I snapped and went to sit down in the back row.

“Hey you must be the new girl Lucia right” Caroline grinned bouncing over to me.

“Yes and no, it’s me Elisa but I changed my name” I glare.

“Care, I can’t find Elisa, I think she is avoiding me” Elena came in.

“Nope I just went straight class and it’s Lucia” I glare.

“OH Elisa I mean Lucia” Elena threw her arm around me.

I pushed her off me “Touch me again, you will seriously regret it”

“Sorry Lucia” Elena muttered.

Caroline glared at me “Well I’m not sorry snap out of this mode” She clicked her fingers at me glaring.

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