♢Chapter 3

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{Warning; Sexual content}

  Shion hadn't woke up yet. Then again, the house was silent. Besides the moaning and groaning of course. It was coming from a room far across the mansion, but Shion couldn't have heard it.
  Pale hands gripped the head board of the bed. The sound of creaking wood, grunts, and the slapping sound of skin filled the rather large room. It felt so good.
  Airen couldn't help but want more.
The pale hand now moved to the werewolf's throat, pulling his head back enough so that lewd expression was being shown off. Aiden's tongue hung out slightly, his mouth wide open as moans flew past chapped lips.
  Green eyes staring right down at him and a lick of red lips was the only thing Airen could focus on.
* * *
  A hand stretched out to feel the empty space next to Shion. Where had Ayato gone? Shion had only fallen asleep a few hours ago..
  With a soft sigh, Shion rolled onto his side. He could still remember the touch of Ayato's hands all over his skin, leaving Shion's cheeks a dark red at the thought.
  Suddenly, Shion bolted from his bed and quickly dressed his naked body. Blue eyes glancing around as he then quickly slipped on a pair of black sneakers and darted to the window. Luckily, the drop wasn't too far as his feet soon hit the ground. The brunette then turned on his heel and began walking in the opposite direction of the Sakamaki mansion.
  However, a thought suddenly stopped him. If all the Sakamaki brother's were alive and remembered what happened, did this mean the same thing for the Mukami brothers?
Before Shion knew it, he was standing in front of the rather large home of the four brothers. Would they even be here?
Grass rustled behind Shion and he turned his head calmly to try and decipher where the noise had come from. He blinked in surprise when his eyes met with a familiar sight.


"Serena?" Shion cocked his head to the side. "Why're you here?"

"Ya know, sometimes I think you forget everything that has happened. Yuma, your boyfriend! I'm his sister, remember?" She raised an eyebrow.

Shion huffed. "He is not my boyfriend."

"He spilled the beans about loving you.

"Doesn't make him mine."

"Does it make you his?"

The brunette pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head tiredly, showing he had given up the argument. Meanwhile, Serena was giving a small grin, her dark dirty blonde hair swaying in the wind.

"You know he's still in love with you, right?"

Shion blinked in surprise. "I thought he would have gotten over me by now.."

Serena raised an eyebrow. "Do you know what the definition of love is?"

"I guess I don't."

She shrugged. "I'll bring you inside, but we must absolutely keep you away from Ruki and Kou. Kou isn't taking being killed too hard, but Ruki has gotten so much more violent since.. Let's go, okay? Azusa and Yuma are waiting!"

"Wait- Since what?" Shion chased after Serena, her eyebrows furrowed in a bit of annoyance.

The sight Shion was met with was one that couldn't help but bring a smile onto his face.
Yuma and Azusa sat next to each other; Yuma reading a book as Azusa fiddled with the wrappings on his arms. Hearing another person enter the room, Azusa looked up. For a minute, Shion wasn't exactly sure what Azusa was thinking. However, within moments, Azusa had began walking over to Shion.
Shion wasn't expecting much, but he definitely wasn't expecting for Azusa to lean himself onto Shion. What was he doing? Shouldn't he be hating Shion right now?

"Out of everyone those Sakamaki's brought here, I actually like you.."

The brunette blinked in surprise, looking over at Serena and raising an eyebrow. She shrugged in reply. However, a moment later, a large force tackled both Azusa and Shion to the ground. Azusa grunted softly, followed by a surprise yelp from Shion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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