n o t e - 4 ❤

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Magic. I always thought it existed in fantasy books and movies.

But I now I know it is not the truth.

I felt magic, too powerful and effective.

You wonder how? That is when I am around you.

I can actually write lyrics in my head when I am around you,

I can feel the poetic heart beats,

I can close me eyes and see you,

I smile when I am alone,

I feel weird and new, something I have never felt before.

When you are around it feels like rest of the world doesn't exist.

Is this not Magic?

Love is Magic, you are magic...

And I am enchanted.

f e r n

m a g i c

Didn't know that something as simple as fern could mean so much. ☺ I hope this made me smile as it did for me and also for Aster 😜 Do remember to Vote.

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