Late Nights

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Few cars flew by them as Jessie, James and Meowth drove down the dark highway. The scratch cat Pokémon was sound asleep in his car seat in the back while Jessie and James sat, awake, in the front.

James was driving. Jessie sat in the passenger seat, leaning on her hand. She was staring out of the window, watching the lights of Kalos fly by.

They would've taken the balloon, but it was being repaired. Instead, they had been given a car to use so they could get around.

James was starting to fall asleep at the wheel. Finally, Jessie quietly ordered him to pull over at the next gas station and switch with her. Almost as soon as James had clicked his seatbelt in, he was asleep.

Jessie glanced over at him as she pulled out of the gas station, smiling softly. There was almost no one on the highway as it was so late, so she went a little faster than she should.

Behind her, Meowth snored, and beside her, James breathed softly. Both of them were slumped uncomfortably in their chairs, making Jessie want to be at the hotel already.

When she pulled into the lit parking lot, Jessie climbed out. She first went to the back and pulled Meowth out of his car seat, carrying him in her arms. Technically, the busted balloon was her fault, and she felt bad about shouting at her partners. Jessie told herself she'd tease Meowth about this later, but to be honest, the female Team Rocket member wanted to keep it to herself.

With Meowth sleeping over her shoulder, Jessie opened James' door and gently shook him awake.

With a sleeping Pokémon in her arms and an exhausted partner dragging his feet behind her, Jessie checked in. Finally, the trio was in their hotel room.

James immediately flopped onto the bed. Jessie placed Meowth beside him, then threw their meager possessions in the draws and clambered into bed beside James.

They hadn't been able to afford a larger room, but Jessie didn't mind, though James and Meowth would claim otherwise.

Jessie pet Meowth softly, smiling. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she froze.

James had rolled over and hugged her tightly in his sleep, his face buried in her hair.

Jessie rolled over very slowly, as to not disturb him. James shifted and smiled, burying his face in her shoulder.

Jessie couldn't help but play with his hair. It was getting choppy again, she noticed.

She pushed his bangs off of his face, smiling softly. Gently, Jessie pressed a kiss to his forehead and closed her eyes.

Finally, after a long night, Team Rocket was allowed rest.

Written by YourTearsAreMine

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