Step - 5.5: The Blast From His Past (Cont.)

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Lilly & Yousef head to the restaurant, they sat quietly cause of what had happened earlier, it was awkward to talk about it, Yousef knew Lilly had a lot of questions on her mind and Lilly wanted Yousef to explain his stance on the issue.

"Everything OK?" asked Yousef.

"Yeah" replied Lilly.

"OK" said Yousef.

There was an awkward silence between the two of them, they wanted to talk about it but were too afraid to do so.

"What?" asked Yousef.

"Umm, what's the best thing to eat here" asked Lilly.

"They serve good Wontons here" said Yousef.

"Uhmm" said Lilly.

"What's up?" asked Yousef.

"Nothing..." said Lilly.

He looked at her in the eyes "It's nothing Yousef" said Lilly. He awkwardly smiled and they both started looking at the menu card.

"Did something happen between you & Felicia?" asked Lilly as she looked down the menu.

"Why?" asked Yousef.

"She made a suggested something did" said Lilly.

"Umm.... Yes it did... Something did happen, when we were together, we..... We had a moment of intimacy, just once in her apartment" said Yousef.

Lilly upon hearing this became a little sad and disappointed, but she understood Yousef's situation as she also has had past relationships.

"This story just keeps on getting interesting" said Lilly.

"It was nothing...." said Yousef.

"Don't say that, OK?" said Lilly. As it was obvious to Yousef that she was a little angry.

"Well there was something at that time, but it was long time ago & it was never going to become real" said Yousef.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" asked Lilly.

"I didn't think anything of it that's why" replied Yousef.

"But after the incident at your apartment, you could've told me" said Lilly.

"Yes.... Ummm... But I thought about it, and I made a decision to not tell anything about it to you because I was worried that it might come between us" said Yousef.

"I just wish you had told me first, I mean her saying all that to me...." said Lilly.

"Yeah.... I should've told you, I am sorry" said Yousef.

"Its OK" Lilly said, as she continued "Are there any others that I should know about?" asked Lilly.

"No... No there's no one else" said Yousef.

"Simmi?" asked Lilly.

"No.... She is just a friend, and has always been a friend... But if you want to know about my love life, I will tell you, if you tell me about the things that went on between you and Aman" said Yousef.

"What was the thing you said was nice?" said Lilly as she knew she was in trouble & changed the topic immediately.

"Wontons" Yousef said as he smiled.

"Ah... OK" said Lilly.

The next day, Yousef went to see Felicia off, he got her discharged from the hospital, he entered her room. He greeted her and gave her the ticket for her way back home. She hugged him.

"Don't you wish we enjoyed like we used to?" asked Felicia.

"Don't you wish we'd be more closer?" she continued asking as Yousef stood quiet. He was tempted but he knew deep down as to what he wanted, he wanted to be with Lilly.

"I love Lilly... & there's nothing you can do about it, & although I am tempted, but I know what my heart wants, and it wants Lilly" said Yousef. As he finished saying this, Lilly entered the hospital room. 

"Yousef, can I talk to you for a minute?" asked Lilly.

"Look it wasn't anything like that" said Yousef.

"You've been trying to find excuses of spending time with her since she has come, its obvious the thing you two had isn't over" said Lilly.

"No... You misunderstand" said Yousef.

"You do what you want, I am out of here" said Lilly. Yousef stood there in utter shock, he didn't see it coming and it was all because of Felicia.

"You're not here because you love me, are you? You're here because you wanted me for my fame & money right?" asked Yousef.

"You misunderstand Yousef" said Felicia "Besides you and Lilly are two entirely different people" she continued.

"You think so?" said Yousef.

"Yes... You are attracted to each other for the wrong reasons... She attracts you because of her virtue, her goodness, her care for others.... Something you lack & she is in love with you for your vices, your danger, your transgressions, your habit of taking risks... Something she lacks. It is never going to work Yousef, you belong with me" said Felicia.

Yousef came closer to her, and smiled "You're going to your home right now else I am going to report you for stalking me and trespassing on my property" said Yousef.

"Oh Yousef, I thought I could convince you of my love" said Felicia.

She slapped him and rushed out of the hospital when she saw Lilly standing with hospital guards who escorted her outside. On the way out, Lilly grabbed her arm

"You saying it is never going to work between me and Yousef was the funniest thing I have ever heard. Stay away from my man and never come back" said Lilly.

She realized that Yousef and Lilly had tricked her, Yousef stood beside Lilly as he said

"Bye Felicia"

He then put his arm on Lilly's shoulder as they walked towards their car.

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