life isn't that easy..

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"If life was that easy,
Where would all your adventures be?"

She is an average pale,petite and pretty girl who is known for her carefree and frank nature.

Well maybe not totally average, her father is the former wiser of the kingdom after all. The only family she had. Yes,She grew up without a mother and no she wasn't always sad about it. In fact she didn't even know who her mother was,what she did, all she knew was that she ran away leaving them. Not that she wasn't curious about her past, but something deep down told her that her not knowing is for the best.

She was good at hiding stuff, like the fact that her father was the reason the kingdom had been functioning properly for years. She tries not to get all the special attention. Sometimes, she just loves the small happy moments,like roaming around markets,talking to other normal girls about stuff not related to the trade secrets of other countries, watching road side puppet shows,even share the royal gossip. A wiser-to-be could do that,right?
Yes, the messiest girl in the whole kingdom will be given an authority so important and responsible. The kingdom was digging its own grave.

But she couldn't do anything about that, obviously. Its part of royal traditions that the son/daughter of the former leader and wiser will have the first right to the position. The royal crowning will be done as soon as the children turn 21, about six months from present day. But for "fair game" sake, everyone who turns 21 that year will be given a chance to participate in a competition.

The compitition would be held a week before the crowning. 5 months before the competition a selection ceremony would be held. All those who are eligible would be given a chance to compete with each other for the position of the leader and the wiser. The child/children of the former leader and wiser have to participate, they weren't given any choice. Everybody would choose for the wiser though. Nobody ever dared to choose to compete for the leader as they wished to keep their heads to themselves. It was allowed but no one ever had the courage. As a result it was just passed from heir to heir.

The kingdom was filled with excitement and curiousity- One week to go for the selection ceremony but Emma wasn't . Everyone knew what they were gonna do but not Emma. She had a dream that she could accomplish something more, something far better if, she tried. Her dream was not normal, and therefore not acceptable, but this feeling kept pushing her to achieve it and live it.

Her dream was to become the next leader.

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