4.My Belonging

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After the incident with Tyler, Destiny have been finding every possible way to not talk about it.

She couldn't sleep for two days and hence on the third day she couldn't resist but talk about it to him.

She approached him in the college canteen where he is talking to his rugby teammates.

"Tyler!", she called out for him.

He looks in her direction,a little surprised but comes running without wasting any time.

"Hey.", he says trying hard to suppress his smile and excitement.

"I.. want..actually..umm..I wanted to talk...about you know..about that day." she said with a lot of difficulty.

"Okay." he said and the both sit down.

Destiny builds some confidence and says," What was that you did on that day?"

"Umm.. Nothing." he replied.

"C'mon. You know that was nothing. If there is anything, You ought to tell me."

"Destiny... actually...I have some...feelings for you. I don't know if you feel the same but the truth is......."

" Go on Tyler. "

" I think I kinda...love you. "

Destiny is taken aback by this sentence. She looks at him and stands up.

Tyler thinks he has said too much and also stands and says, Destiny... I'm sorry...I didn't.. " But before he could say anything further, Destiny kisses him lightly on lips.

They part away and look each other in the eyes and jolt away when they realise everyone is staring at them.

Tyler held her hand and said," Let's go somewhere private. " They run from there towards the basketball court.

They stop and kiss each other passionately whilst smiling. Destiny parts away to say something but he moves her closer as if it was the last time he will be able to touch her.

"Tyler!" she says rather more shyly.

"What!?", he complains.

" Stop now. I think we need to talk TOO!"

" Hmm." He says in bad humour and they sit on the benches.

They talk while playing with each other hands. They talk about love,teachers and how boring they are, they talk about each other and how special they are for each other and they talk about nonsense stuff but what they want is to pause the time and just be with each other because this is the love which they had deep down since their childhood and have been realised.

The bell rung and it's rime for them to go to their history class.

"Shit!" they both exclaim and stand up to head towards their class.

Before Mr.Emerson came inside,everyone were congratulating them which was awkward.

Mr.Emerson enters striding in the class. Everyone wishes him.

"Okay, so today we are gonna study about, one of my favourite topics, Egypt." he says while everyone heard him attentively.

After a long lecture about Egypt and it's origin he said, " Interestingly, Egypt when ruled by King Menes was having good trade relations with Nubia and the emperor Nefarkare but after some time they had war which resulted in mass destruction. Rumours are that some people loyal to Menes survived and formed a society and searching for the last descendant of Menes.
Not to scare you people,but many people believe that Nefarkare use dark magic and maybe still alive and is searching for the last descendant of Menes who will be the cause of his destruction. Sadly, it was Neferkare who won the war but died in it."

After a long period of silence, Katherine asked," Is he really alive?"

"Well, archaeology has deciphered a script which describes his new birth. I will read it you."

Before he approached the paper, Shane interrupted and asked," Well, what can be his age? You know Nefarkare's age."

" Well,archaeologists belive it to be 65 but ancient scripts say that it was 95."

Everyone gasped at that, but not Destiny. She found something unusually familiar in these names. She was scared to know more but felt maybe this is the answer to all the weird happenings.

Mr. Emerson held some printouts in his hand and recited,"so the holy texts say, he who has all the power and might will be born again for the reign and to diminish the last soul left. The soulmate will help him. When the moon will hide behind the stars, it will give birth to a new body on the 31st count,1st month of Shemu, day 20."

Everyone were mesmerised by the text and could listen to it all day.

" Okay, enough of Nubia. Come back to Egypt. " With this the bell rang.
" So student's, remember next month's end you have to deposit your project on any topic I have explained in class. You all are 15 and have to make one project and should include a model and a file. Is that clear?"

Everyone said yes in unison. Mr. Emerson had exit the class. Everyone were packing to go back home as it was their last class. Destiny was deep lost in her thoughts and suddenly an image flashed in front of her eyes of people dying and a sparkly little thing in someone's hand being rescued. She jolts and is really scared of what she just saw. Tyler approaches her and asks her worried ," Are you fine, dear?"

" Yeah. Let's... Let's go." she says trying hard to manage a smile. She badly wants to tell everything to Tyler about what she just saw but she didn't had any words to explain and thought it would be best to remain quite.


Hi Guys!!😍 Sorry for being soooooooo late.😫😫 I will try to be regular.
So finally love realise. 😘😘. Destiny is happy but will she able to after knowing the truth? 😎😎

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