What I thought...

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Your dreams were pretty,

And,mine were rotten,

I thought it was sweet enough to let everyone to forget the vinegar,

But,it didn't;

When I thought that it would taste good,

It was bad,

But,since it's Espresso;

When I thought that we're alright but we aren't,

It was bad,

But,since it's Us;

Every single day I'd see me and you playing outside,

Like there's us only...

Every single day I'd ended up crying inside,

'Cause I missed us only...

When I thought we're back again,


When I thought that I can hold your hands again,


"Do you know I'm silently dying?",

There's no warmness in my body;

"Do you know I'm running out of warmness?",

There's no more you to warm me in...

This song is too sad,

So,I changed to a happier one,

But,all of them are sad...

So,I stopped hearing the happy ones...

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