I want my dolly - Chapter 4

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Miller Residence, Ware, Massachusetts.

Sam rang the doorbell as Dean glanced around the flowerbeds outside the house. When the door opened a petite blond woman stood in the doorway. She looked them over once or twice, taking in their neatly pressed suits before switching the weight on her foot.

"Mrs. Miller?" Sam smiled.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Both of them flashed their FBI badges they held.

"Agent Hetfield, Agent Ulrich, FBI ma'am." Sam addressed her, Dean politely nodded. "We're here to follow up on the incident in your home. Could we come in and ask you a few questions?"

"I already talked to the cops about this."

"We've taken over the case and we just want to make sure we have all the facts straight." She stepped aside and gestured them in. Dean noticed the small boy that stood at the bottom of the stairs and gave him a wink. "From what we understand, you found a woman in your son's room?"

"Yes, we're still not sure how she got in but she fired a gun in the house, which is what woke up both my husband and myself." Mrs. Miller sat down on a plush chair, and Sam took the seat across from her as Dean approached the boy. "Donnie was under the bed when we came in and she was pulling a blade out of the closet door. She just looked at us and put her hands up. What was she doing in the house?"

"Mrs. Miller, would you mind if my partner took at look at Donnie's room?" She shrugged and glanced at Dean, who knelt down in front of the blond-haired boy.

"Would you mind showing me your room, Donnie?" Dean spoke softly. The six-year-old nodded and walked him up the stairs.

"From what the suspect told the police and us on questioning, she said she watched as someone broke into your son's room, found a way in herself and tried to stop the person from taking your son. Does that make any sense to you?" Sam continued with his questions.

"The window was opened, something we usually keep locked because of the air conditioning, but that night it was open. We assumed she came in through the window but the police said she confessed to picking the lock on the back door. Who confesses to things like that?" Mrs. Miller questioned frantically. "Donnie came out from under the bed and said that she took his teddy bear, but the woman was still in the room. Could there really have been someone else in there trying to kidnap him? That poor woman was just trying to save his life."

"Mrs. Miller, did Donnie seem to be acting a little unusual in the days prior to the break-in?"

"Not more than usual, we thought he had some sort of fever one of the days. It's why we bought the teddy bear that was stolen. He threw such a fit in the store because he didn't feel good and had to have it. We just wanted to save the embarrassment of his tantrum so we got it for him. Is that how they target children, by the toys you buy them?" Sam could see that she was getting a little more upset with each passing question so he had to change directions.

"It's okay, Mrs. Miller, the bear has nothing to do with it, but I have a few strange questions for you. Have you seen any strange shadows, smelt any sulfur? Knocks on the walls or unusual activity?"

"No," she replied, quite confused.

Dean was yanked up the stairs by the little boy ahead of him. Donnie had a tight grip on his hand and there wasn't any signs of him letting go, but as they rounded the corner, Dean watched as the kid gave a terrified glance into the room to the left. Dean pointed at the room, not saying a word and opened the door. It seemed that they hadn't entered since the night of the break-in. Grains of salt still littered the hardwood floor, the shells were gone since the police took them for evidence, but he could see the mark where her machete had stuck into the door frame.

I want my Dolly! Supernatural S13x1Where stories live. Discover now