Chapter 3- The Sorting Ceremony

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Keep Calm and Marauder On! :D

Anything you may recognize belongs to the brilliant J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 3

The Sorting Ceremony

The first years nervously trailed behind Professor McGonagall, out of the hallway and into the Great Hall. It was magnificent, there was no denying it. The ceiling was a velvety blue-black, with stars mirroring the night sky glistening down upon the four House tables in the middle of the Hall, decked out in House colors, and the long, elegantly decorated staff table at the front. Placed in front of the staff table was a stool made of thick oak, and resting upon it was a torn old wizard's hat; just as the first years stopped at the foot of the staff table, a seam in the front of the hat opened up with a faint ripping sound. The new students gaped as the hat began to sing:

Oh, I might not be the newest,

The brightest,

Or the best.

But none of that matters,

For I am the Sorting Hat.

If look inside your mind and find

That you're courageous, brave and firm,

Then you may belong in Gryffindor,

The bravest of the houses four.

If I see that you are sharp of mind,

Then perhaps Ravenclaw is where you'll find your kind.

If you happen to be the kind that is prominently cunning,

Then Slytherin may be best.

If loyalty matters most to you,

Then your true friends may be in Hufflepuff,

Where they'll never turn their back on you.

Whichever of the houses is the one that fits you best,

I will place you there and put your nerves to rest.

The song concluded and the first years sat, dumbstruck, staring at the tattered mop of black.

Professor McGonagall took a scroll of parchment out of her robes. "When I call your name, you will come and sit on the stool for your Sorting. Abbott, Kenzie!"

A small, blonde girl strolled nervously up to the stool and sat down. Muffled mumbles could be heard from the hat as it conversed with the girl.

Fairly quickly, the hat made its decision. "Hufflepuff!" called the hat in a deep, booming voice, and a table with black and yellow flags above it erupted into applause. The Sorting continued in a daze for the students, lost in a sea of their own nerves until brought back to reality by the calling of their name.

"Black, Sirius!" came all too quickly for the boy. Gulping, heart racing a million miles an hour, Sirius stumbled up to the stool and waited. The Sorting Hat fell over his eyes and a whisper sounded in his ear: Yes, yes, interesting. Very interesting…. Another Black, I know just where to put you. I should put you straight into Slytherin, I should.

No! Screamed Sirius in his head.

No? Questioned the hat, but it would make your parents so proud! Oh, oh I see…You're not like the others, are you? There is a certain thirst to prove yourself, I see, but it is in a way different than the Slytherins. I see that you are very loyal as well, and you've also got quite the sharp mind, but neither trait is quite as strong as the bravery and chivalry I see in you. Yes, I know just where to put you-

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