chapter 20

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Ban p.o.v

Rang Rang. I slam my hand down to shut it because it was getting annoying the noise. I went to take a shower and get a dressed for school. I still have the bruise that Josh gave me when I went to visit him. I head downstairs and grabbed an apple on the way to my car. I was driving to school. When this black car was following me and would stop when I stop so I parked near an ally and it stop too. I got out of my car and so did the other car too. I could not believe my eye a boy with blueish hair came out of the car and smile at me evilly.

Danny p.o.v

I got out of my car. The look on his face was like he seen a ghost. I said to him.
D: Hi Ban hasn't seen each other for a while.
B: I could not believe it was him.
D: look Ban I been looking for you, so you can pay for what you did to me back then.
B: I said Logan is that you?
D: yes, I came back for revenge on the people in what they did to me back then.
Then Randy came with his other buddies. I told him that he is one of them from my past. He told his buddies to do what he deserves for hurting me. I just started to laugh evilly and said this is payback for back then Ban. See you or not. I got in my car and left him with Randy and his buddies. Next are Josh and my parents. I can finally rest in peace.

The picture above is Danny car. Hope you like this chapter.>_<

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