||Chapter 12||

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Josh's POV

Today me and Maya are going out on a "date"
I'm super nervous and my palms are getting sweaty.Ew  now I have to go wash my hands  . I can't hold Maya's hand with sweat dripping off me.
I walk to the bathroom to wash my hands when I catch a glimpse of Maya's bare back through the  slightly open door of Riley's room
She looked so sexy with all here perfect curves , get a grip Josh don't be so creepy

I walked into the bathroom and washed my sweaty hands thoroughly. I fixed my hair and waited for her in the Matthews sitting room

"Sorry for the wait" Maya said walking into the room

"No, no take  your time. It must be hard to get ready with your sprained arm "

"It was a bit but not to worry I'm ready now so let's get going, any ideas where to go?" Maya said back

" Um how About the cinemas then a walk around the city?" I said hoping it didn't sound stupid

" Perfect" Maya said with a grin


We got to the cinema and got two tickets for this new horror film,
"Hide or die"
We got some popcorn and Maya also got some pick & mix

We sat near the back of the room for the best view.
I felt Maya turning her head into my chest trying to hide. Honestly it felt good
"Maya the scary part is over now" I chuckle
She just shook her head which made me laugh even more

At one point Maya jumped launching the popcorn all over her. I couldn't tell you how cute she looked covered in popcorn
I knew the scariest part of the movie was approaching and I saw Maya was tense. I think she knew it too. God she was adorable throughout this movie .
"Josh, Josh distract me for this please!!" She said desperately

What am I going to do? How am I going to distract her??

Suddenly our lips met and we were making out in the back of the cinema ,cliché I know but It was magical. It was like everyone disappeared around us. We made out for the rest of the movie.
Maya pulled away "good distracting " she smirked

Maya's POV

We went to see the scariest movie of my life. My reflex was to turn my head away. I didn't realise for a while that I kept turning my head into Josh's chest. I blushed but since it was dark he didn't notice

At one point I jumped and the popcorn went everywhere. I could see Josh smiling at what I did.
I couldn't help but smile because he smiled

I knew the scariest part was about to happen and I was already petrified. I quickly asked Josh to distract me. I thought he would just hug me or talk to me but instead our lips touched and my heart exploded into fireworks

When the movie finished, I pulled out. Wow that was good. "Good distracting " I praised with a smile

We headed to the centre of New York for our walk. I loved the atmosphere in a city, it always made me feel better if I'm down.

We had a look in a few shops,a jewellery being one of them. I was looking at lockets. They were so elegant and with the right picture it could be mean the world

"Which ones your favourite ?" Josh questioned behind me

" The silver heart with the blue rhinestone stone " I pointed

"It's beautiful " He says

"Isn't it" I sighed , knowing it will never be mine

" Well a beautiful girl needs a beautiful locket " Josh says "we'll take the silver locket with the blue rhinestone for the lady"

"Lucky Lady" replied the jeweller

"Josh?! What are you doing?"I said shocked

"Buying you a locket"he said with a grin

"But Josh the price ?" I questioned

"Your worth it , I want to give it to you so you know I will never hurt you again " he said sincerely

My eyes lit up and I ran into his arms
" Thank you so much Josh"
"Your welcome Maya ,you mean a lot to me"

I look out my phone and took a picture of me and josh together. We got it printed out and I slipped it into my locket.


We got back to Matthews house around 3:00 .
"Thank you Josh. Today was amazing. I had a great time with you "
"I did too, Thank you for coming on the "date"
" My pleasure, I might even do it again some time " I said smiling at him like crazy
"I would like that very much" He said " should we tell people?"
" Not yet, it will have to come out at the right time" I say cautiously
"Your right " he replied "Riley's coming over to watch over to you for the rest of the night, I will see you tomorrow okay"
"Okay ,Thanks again for today" I say hugging him tightly
"No problem" he replied kissing my nose

Not what I expected- Joshaya Where stories live. Discover now