They found you crying

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||Aizawa will be different from all the others quirk bbys but overall most of they will be the same in a way|| ||(f/s)= favorite subject|| (l/f/s)= least favorite subject || || (f/a)= favorite animal || || (h/t)= hair type||

Shouta Aizawa

It was late that night and Aizawa wasn't home still seeing he was out there doing his hero duties, to say the least, (Y/N) on the other hand took the time to treat herself to a girl's night, which led her to watch some soap opera series which brought her to tears as one of the main/favorite protag  suddenly yet tragically dead.

-Time Skip to around 2:30 am-

"I'm home..." A voice spoke rather dully, the normal type of tone Aizawa always had to his voice, making him to either seem tired or uninterested all the time. He slowly slipped off this shoes at the door before closing door behind, locking it for extra safety. Before he even took another step or two further into the two's home he could faintly hear sniffling which this intrigued him slightly as it pushed him to go forward and there he saw his beloved lover, (Y/N), sitting on the couch with a pillow in her arms as her teary eyes as she had the animal channel on,  her (f/a) being on there. Being the person that he was, he somewhat didn't know how to approach and handle this, as it made him rather upset and uncomfortable, seemingly not liking to see (Y/N) sad or crying in a sense. Hesitantly he began to quietly walk over towards her, which (Y/N) quickly noticing him as he continued. A small pout formed on her lips as she was then ready to wipe away her tear but she came to a halt as the pillow she held in her arms was taken away from her. She looked up at Aizawa as his hands were placed onto her face, his thumb then proceeding to wipe away her tears. Then he sat himself down on the couch, his arms wrapping themselves around (Y/N)'s waist as he brought her close. Laying himself back, (Y/N) was now laying on his chest, his breaths were slow and steady and calming, rather soothing to listen to. It was quiet between the two for a moment or so, but surprisingly no words were needed, Aizawa had put her to ease as if (Y/N) was never upset in the place. "Sorry for not talking to you about what happened, I didn't want to end up upsetting you more.." Aizawa said softly as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of (Y/N)'s head. "It's alright Aizawa, I understand.." (Y/N) said softly as a soft sigh then escaped her lips as Aizawa then began to run his hand through (Y/N)'s soft (h/t) hair, his fingers gliding through her beautiful locks with such ease. His steady heartbeat and the way he gently touched her hair brought her at peace and made her feel more relaxed, soon her eyes growing heavy as she then fell into a peaceful slumber.  Seeing this, Aizawa turned off the t.v. and proceed to close his eyes, soon falling asleep as well. The two sleeping peacefully on the couch together.

Bakugou Katsuki 

As class started,  the teacher had placed on a documentary for the  As it went on, it soon turned out to be a rather sad documentary as it was beginning to bring (Y/N) to tears which the teacher noticed this and allowed her to step outside of the classroom for a few moment so she could be able to gain her composure

-Five-minute time skip-

With permission from the teacher, Bakugou left the classroom to go to the bathroom seeing that nature calls were, well, calling him. Quietly he walked down the hallway with his hands shoved into his pockets, seemingly to be in slight thought as he walked, more or less probably thinking about lunch or (Y/N). As Bakugou continued his way he noticed a girl from afar standing in the hallway with her hands covering her face, which him  being the person that he was surely going to ignore her and continue his way without a word said, seeing that he wouldn't really care for the unknowns feelings and why she was crying, but once the girl removed her hands from her face he almost came to a halt, his body becoming tense by the sight. It was his one and only girl, (Y/N), her face slightly flushed and her eyes still somewhat teary. Not thinking much of the classes around and just simply moving upon instinct, Bakugou rushed over to (Y/N) and grabbed her by the shoulders, which this surprised her as she was almost pinned to the wall by him, her back making contact with the wall and his body only leaving a few inches of space between the two. "Why the fuck are you crying? Give me the three W's and I'll gladly pulverize whoever and whatever." He punched is hand gently as he made small little explosion within the palm of his hand, gesturing he was ready to fight anyone if needed to, though really, being the person that he is, he would fight anyone without hesitation. (Y/N) was rather surprised by all of this suddenly happening, was taken back for a moment or two until she smiled slightly, thinking it was rather humorous but how quickly he was to think she was truly hurt, it touched her heart in a way. With that, she sniffled a bit and wiped her eyes, looking up a Bakugou, this making him blush as he then averted his eyes off to the side. "I'm fine, Bakugou. I was just crying over some documentary we're watching in class but what do you mean by the three W's Bakugou?" (Y/N) said softly as her hand reached out and took hold of his gently making him blush more, his hand almost hot to the touch by how warm it was. "Who do I need to beat up? When do I need to beat them up? And where the fuck are they? " He said bluntly before growing quiet before he then finally grew the confidence to look at her fully. "Well next time, don't cry over some stupid documentary (Y/N)! People will look at me as some worried mother goose if you worry me like that and I don't need that cause I'm here to be a hero and your boyfriend, not your mom!" Bakugou huffed as he then shoved his hands into his pockets. (Y/N) couldn't help but let out a soft giggle before she then leaned up and gently give him a kiss on the cheek making him smile slightly as Bakugou leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. After saying their goodbyes, he then began to get back to walking to the bathrooms, which (Y/N) watched him walk off before she then made her way back into class with a tint of pink on her cheeks, loving the soft side that Bakugou had.

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