A Wedding to Remember

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Well hello to you all! How long has it been? A day? Just kidding! I'm sorry for having abandoned this story for so long, but I was in a 'metamorphic' stage as a writer. I felt I needed to abandon this fandom for a while and continue to develop my writing but yesterday I got inspired and decided to continue this story. I hope you guys feel that I improved even a little in the past year and a half lol

A wedding to remember

"Eren, you know what a lilac means?" a young hera muttered to a smaller Eren. The teal eyes of the shima looked up from the toy he was gathering in his arms. "Flowers have meaning?" he asked innocently.

"Yeah! They say you give them to your first love! And the colors also have meaning', the hera continued excitedly. "Wah! How sweet!"Eren beamed in awe as he listened intently.

"Ahhh!" a yell suddenly caught their attention. It was a horrified yell, one that only came when someone was being hurt. "Wait here", the hera had muttered, but curiosity had taken over Eren's senses as he followed the hera disregarding his intructions to stay put. His eyes widened seeing the hera had been beat up on the floor as his mother relentlessly struggled against his captors.

He saw helplessly as the gun shot through his father's head as blood splattered everywhere on the ground.

"No! Stop!" Eren suddenly jolted awake. It was the same nightmare again, but ever since he had installed himself in the castle, the dream had become quite reoccurring and unpleasantly continued to change as he recalled every single time another detail about what exactly happened that day. He breathed heavily trying to regain his composure as he wiped furiously at his tear stained eyes. "Lilacs. A sign of love?' he questioned to himself as he slightly glanced at the vase with the pink lilacs resting within it.

The brown head brushed his locks away from his eyes as he stood to place on his slippers and a robe. What he needed was some fresh air. He looked at the clock on the side table seeing it was 3 AM. Sure, he was certainly troubled by the dream, but when you were going to get married in a time not so far away, literally five hours from now, how could anyone sleep. He stepped out into the dark hallway already feeling the chill of the air reach him. Just who was that Hera from his dream? It didn't look like he had been killed, but from the moment he was tied to making it out of the house, he couldn't recall seeing anyone else outside beside himself.

As he walked his attention was suddenly caught by shuffling within the garden. His bad habit of letting curiosity get the best of him still remained as he felt his legs begin directing him into the garden. A giggle could be heard as Eren made his best effort not to catch the attention of the two figures that came into view. The brown head poked his head out slightly as his eyes widened finding Levi's hands being held by Kris's. Eren wanted to scoff in anger and stomp off, but stopped when he heard Kris voice.

"Couldn't sleep, dear prince?" He questioned with an exaggerated squeak of worry. "No, It seems I am just very nervous for my wedding", Levi muttered casually almost seeming disinterested.

"He certainly is such a gorgeous shima", the shima smiled venomously. "He certainly is. I feel very fortunate to have found him", the prince expressed and Eren felt confused as to how Levi could sound so genuine. "But he doesn't seem to love you enough", the shima suddenly muttered as Eren felt himself freeze at his words. He couldn't see Levi's expression and it irritated him that he remained silent.

"Ah, so you could tell as well. Arranged marriages are such a nuisance for both us nobles and commoners alike. But I, Prince Levi, am utterly and genuinely in love with you", Kris cried suddenly as the brown head could hear him begin to cry. He felt a pang in his chest and he couldn't place the reason as to why he felt the way he did. "What are you saying, Lady Kris?" Levi had found his voice as he seemed taken aback by his outburst.

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