Legacy Day:A Tale of Two Tales

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One upon a time in a faraway land, Ever After High. A high school for the teenage sons and daughters of the most famous fairy tales characters whoever lived.

Snow White daughter Apple White: I can't believe it. Legacy Day happens this year and there is just so much to do.

Sleeping Beauty daughter Briar Beauty: Totally, right? I mean this year's after-party is gonna be a page ripper. I heard D.J. N-Chant is---

Apple White: -- Briar. It's not just about the party. This is destiny. Future queen! We can't let anyone post embarrassing pictures of us on MyChapter.

Briar Beauty: Hey, daughter of the Sleeping Beauty. If I'm gonna be catching "z's" for a hundred years, I got to live it up now. And come on. No one would post anything bad about you.
Everyone loves you.

A pig: It's Apple White (sighs)🐖
One Student: (sighs)
Another Student: Gorgeous
Sheeps: (bleat)🐑
Tiny: Can I carry your books?

Apple White: Why tiny, aren't you the sweetest little thing? Thank you.

Briar Beauty: See? They love you. Oh oh, I don't want to miss a minute of our first day. Hi, Everybody.Hey, what's up? Howdy.

Apple White: Hey, Prince Daring.
Um, why are you holding your hand over your mouth?

King Daring son Daring Charming: Well, you see, I just got my teeth whitened. And Headmaster Grimm said I can't show people, 'cause---

Apple White:--- But your smile is so charming.

Daring Charming: Well you know---

Tiny: Ah! My eyes. I can't see! Ah!
I'm okay.

Goldie Locks daughter Blondie Locks: Apple, Daring....
So any juicy dating details for my mirror-cast show? Talk to the mirror.

Apple White: Uh Blondie, Darling and I are still not a couple. This is high school. We've got "forever after" to be together.

Blondie Locks: But you two are the perfect couple--- not too this, not too that. You're just right.

Daring Charming: Come on, Apple. Let's go get some lunch🍽. Charm you later.

So that night, back in the Ever After dorms, Apple has a surprise waiting for her new roommate.

Briar Beauty: You think Raven's gonna like this?

Apple White: Of course! What future evil queen wouldn't love.... an evil throne., an evil crown, and an evil haunted mirror👿?

Briar Beauty: True, but why are u doing this for Raven?

Apple White: Because she's such an important part of my story. When she poisons me, it changes everything. Then the prince can wake me and I become queen. That's when I get my "happily ever after." I need her.

--- Evil Queen daughter Raven Queen: Hey, Maddie? (Knocking)
Apple White: Uh, quick, hide. I don't want Raven to know you helped me.
Briar Beauty: I'll go out the window. I've never done the before. (giggles) Whee!
Apple White:Welcome home, roomie.
Raven Queen: Huh, good one, Apple. I'm rooming with Maddie this year.
---Apple White: Not anymore.
---Raven Queen: Huh?

Ever After High Legacy Day: A Tales of Two TalesWhere stories live. Discover now